sandersen50 Member


  • No, don't eat them just because they are there, eat them when you feel hungrier than normal becuase of the exercise. Don't exercise to lose weight, don't deprive your body fuel to lose weight. Exercise to get fitter and learn to eat enough to fuel your activities. I know it isn't as easy as it sounds, but it is that simple.
  • Banana split smoothie. Unsweetened chocolate almond milk, frozen banana, frozen pineapple chunks, a few walnuts and protein powder. Tastes like a banana split in a glass.
  • Your spouse has to build your running time into every vacation itinerary and plan all trips around events. Friends and family ask "What are you training for now?" before they inquire on the health of your kids.
  • My go to snack is a granny smith apple with almond butter. I buy the unsalted almond butter so I can add salt without guilt. Slice up the apple, put it on a plate with a tablespoon of almond butter (or peanut butter). Sprinkle with sea salt. This is a <200 calorie snack that satisfies the sweet, salty, crunchy and fat…
  • For me, the first time I particiapted in an event I was hooked. I was going to suggest signing up for a 5k, the tri is a great event. The best thing about running is it can be as social as you want it or as solitary as you need it to be. Sounds ilke you need to focus on the social to keep at it. Nike+ has been a great…
  • Laughing Cow is a great alternative to cream cheese, low calories and portion controlled. If you want a low calorie alternative to hard cheese, check out Lisannatti Almond cheeses. 1 ounce has only 50 calories and 1 gram of fat. Whole Foods carries a variety and most health foods stores will have at least the mozzerella…