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For The Ladies (Unless the men know)



  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    I don't deny myself my cravings but I try to make sure that I portion out the bad stuff so that I can just satisfy my cravings and nothing more. I rarely need more than just a taste of something to satisfy my craving for that food so I can't help you with the overindulging. Some of the stuff you can put in your freezer and then you have to thaw it completely before you can eat it so that might make you less likely to eat it. I think it's usually about what is on hand at that time. Good luck!

    I agree... I don't deny myself... I just have a 100 calorie version of what I crave and workout hard. :smile:
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
  • deannasw
    deannasw Posts: 47
    Skinny Cow snacks. I keep a bunch in the pantry for my after dinner need. If you NEED chips.. Try Snikiddy EAT YOUR VEGETABLES... they are awesome and each serving = one FULL serving of veggies too.
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    I have a couple simple rules.

    1.) I don't get on the scale the week before my period or the week of. Just don't do it. There is never good news there and it's always water retention. I bloat up like a tick. So yeah, that's two weeks out of the month I don't weigh myself, but it's two weeks I don't torment myself.

    2.) I allow myself some junk food when I'm in the grips of the menstrual fury. A candy bar here. A slice of pizza here. It keeps me from going off the deep end with grazing,and so far, it's not hurting my bottom line on weight loss. So if the thing that's making you snarfle up "good for you food" in mass quantities is the urge for salty chips and a cola, get a small bag of chips and a cola. Eat, drink, try not to rip the face off of every man you see. I think of it as a public service.

    3.) Drink a LOT of water. It's the only thing that really helps with the bloating.

    Good luck.

    I second this, during that time of month (and the week prior and a few days after) my body goes crazy. No scale will ever see me during this time and if you are craving a bag of chips and chocolate. Have an individual bag of chips and a snack size candy bar. Then drink water and aim to burn those calories off if you are going to feel guilty about it.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Oh my gosh you guys are the BEST! I tried to keep up with each individual response but they are flowing in (haha no bad pun intended LOL) Thank you all from my heart!!! These are all awesome wonderful tips and advice. Thank you so much! I am sooooo happy to have MFP because I thought I had to suffer in silence with the bad devil on the side of my shoulder saying "It's okay nikki... GO ahead.... Eat IT" then the angel on my other shoulder says "Noooooo Nikki... Don't do it! It's not worth it!"

    I feel like I can face the rest of this month with the same oomph that I have put in for the last 3 weeks. Thank you all!!!!

    It could be salt I never thought of that I am not a huge salt fan as in I don't cook with it often so maybe it could be this. I never even thought about retaining water. Tomorrow was supposed to be my weigh in day but hmm maybe I will avoid it until afterwards. I didn't know about our metabilism being higher during this time so now I feel even more enthusiastic to kick butt!

    Thank you all sooooo so so so much! :)
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I always have that problem. Have you ever seen the Chocolate Covered Katie website? She has a lot of great, healthy food that satisfies those cravings. My favorite go-to are the Brownie Batter pancakes. They take care of all my sweet cravings, and I don't have to beat myself up afterwards. And there are many others.

    I just visited this website for the first time after reading this....THANKYOU! I'm already in love with it all...I'll have to try some soon :)
  • helen0616
    helen0616 Posts: 97
    I am commenting so I can keep up with this. Same exact issue here and am really struggling with this. I just feel unsatisfied!

    Last night, I did have some (and for some reason I am embarrassed to post this but am going to do it anyway) Baker's Dipping Chocolate pieces (http://www.amazon.com/Bakers-Dipping-Chocolate-7-Ounce-Microwavable/dp/B000E1DRSC). They were 80 calories for 6 of them but in all honesty, I had 12 LOL.

    It really helped though, and I let each one melt in my mouth before the next one went in. The whole process probably took an hour and it was enough to let the craving pass. That 160 calories would have been a LOT more had I eaten what I wanted, which was an entire bag of chips and that leftover Easter chocolate that is hidden in the back of the freezer, and whatever else I could get my little hands on.
    CDMAGS Posts: 150 Member
    If Craving something I go by the 3 bite rule. If you want something have the first bite it will taste sooooooooooo good, the second bite will be good still, the third bite usually kills the craving for me. Good luck!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Its ok!! Just make some modifications....

    Popcorn - pop one serving in a brown paper bag in the microwave. 130 calories, no oils or added junk!
    Chocolate - dark chocolate. Ghirardelli dark baking chips are awesome. You get 16 for 80 calories. Eat them one at a time, they are rich. We keep them in the freezer so they are crunchy.
    Chips - try veggie chips. Still about 130 calories but less fat and a better option.
    Homemade yogurt with some vanilla, fruit and a little crunchy fiber cereal really satisfies my bedtime sweet cravings.

    Also, plan ahead. Work out and "earn" extra calories, then enjoy!!
  • sandersen50
    sandersen50 Posts: 6 Member
    My go to snack is a granny smith apple with almond butter. I buy the unsalted almond butter so I can add salt without guilt. Slice up the apple, put it on a plate with a tablespoon of almond butter (or peanut butter). Sprinkle with sea salt. This is a <200 calorie snack that satisfies the sweet, salty, crunchy and fat cravings. Sort of like a taffy apple. Prep time helps slow down that "gottta eat" feeling, too.
  • virgogrrl77
    virgogrrl77 Posts: 16 Member
    I typically retain 2-3 pounds of water weight during my period. I encourage you to up your intake of B vitamins during your cycle. It helps with cravings and PMS. More often than not the cravings are due to fluctuations in your hormones which then impact your neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. We tend to eat foods that help us feel 'better'. I crave sugar like CRAZY on day 1 of my period. If you know roughly when your period will start I would prepare in advance and try to stock your kitchen with healthier foods that support your brain functioning (lean proteins, foods high in Omega3s) and see if that helps. If you gotta have chocolate (and I do) grab dark versus milk chocolate. You'll get more anti-oxidants and less sugar with dark chocolate but it will still boost your serotonin levels.

    If you're having trouble with water retention, coffee or green tea will help as caffeine is diuretic. Obviously mind your sodium intake.

    Articles below for more info. Good luck! :smile:


  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I have never heard of this 3 bite rule I am going to use this from this point on! :) These are all such amazing tips haha I am so glad I read another post about T.O.M and it was that post which inspired me to post my own! Thank you to that OP for posting hers.
  • Mrs_Hull
    Mrs_Hull Posts: 25 Member
    I always have that problem. Have you ever seen the Chocolate Covered Katie website? She has a lot of great, healthy food that satisfies those cravings. My favorite go-to are the Brownie Batter pancakes. They take care of all my sweet cravings, and I don't have to beat myself up afterwards. And there are many others.

    Chocolate Covered Katie is a great resource. I love her chocolate banana "soft serve," This is what I turn to when I'm craving ice cream or chocolate.

    But, also, if you are craving chips or something, would it be possible to buy a single serving size and build that into your calories for the day? Sure, it wouldn't be great to do every day, but for those particularly hard ones that come just before TOM, I'd say go ahead. Just be sure to drink LOTS of water to counteract the sodium.
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    Honestly, I dont get many cravings when It's my time of month, but I ALWAYS gain weight. I don't avoid the scale (but I'm also a little obsessed with it lately), I just try to remember that it always goes back down when I'm done. I don't know if it's water, or what is bumping the numbers, but I'm usually 3-5lbs heavier throughout my "special week".

    That being said, I do HAVE cravings, they're just always at random times. I stopped eating chips because I can never just stop at a perfect portion. I grab the bag, and before I know it.. gone. Bah. I haven't denied myself any other food, because I know it just makes it worse when you know you can NEVER have it.. but personally, I just need to hold off. A friend of mine recently introduced me to Popchips? The sweet potato ones are amazing. One portion is only 120cal, and the whole bag only has 3.. so even if I can't stop myself, I wouldn't be eating NEARLY as much as I would with my regular brands.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with what a lot of people are saying for sure, DO NOT weigh yourself it is water weight and bloating and will be up more than usual, at least it is for me, I wait a few days after it's over. Go for walks when you can, prepare the week before and don't buy anything you don't want to munch on, keep the junk out of the house so it isn't as easy. Munch on things that take a while but are healthier like cucumber slices, bell peppers, popcorn is great depending on what you put on it lol I've learned to like it plain actually, and chamomile tea and a heating pad works wonders and helps get that water out later. You can do this, I ate chocolate last time but it was super dark and I would take out one tiny square at a time instead of the whole thing, nibble it with tea, I didn't go over 4 tiny squares in a day which I didnt think was bad at all. Good luck!
  • NikkiGetsFit185
    NikkiGetsFit185 Posts: 93 Member
    i have the same issues i crave everything from red meat, to salt to chocolate, lol. But i agree if you have the cravings eat it, also for me becuase i have a huge sweet tooth i got me the 100 calories snacks by hostess, it does help, but some days i do go over board, but for me its just trying to find a healthier alternative to whatever im craving, but i dont ignore my cravings if i do i will just go over board with it so i just try to keep it in moderation. I just get back on track really quick after thats time has gone, glad to know im not the only one like that that, lol, but i do want to look into that website that was posted hopefully i can find some yummy ideas!!! :smile:
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Instead of eating and eating and eating stuff that is obviously NOT hitting the spot - eat a a small amount of what you really do want! Its OK!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    it's SO hard. I try to keep healthier chocolate options around because that's what I crave - so diet hot chocolate (25 cals), fiber one chocolate brownies (90 cals), chocolate frozen banana slices, etc. I also highly recommend extended cycle birth control, like seasonal, I love only having to see Aunt Flo 4 times a year! :-)

    Just curious with the seasonal, I know you only see AF 4 times a year but does that mean no PMS either? I was supposed to have a procedure done to lessen or get rid of AF but I still would have dealt with PMS. I don't need birth control for it's intended use but have thought about going back on it for the PMS reason.

    I have seen my PMS swings even out a lot on the birth control I am on (Jolesta, a generic of one of the seasonal methods). I still get some symptoms, but not nearly as many, as bad, or for as long.

    Since I am an everything in moderation follower, I do the same during that TOM as I do any other time. I find if I try to avoid my craving, I end up eating more calories then I would have if I had portioned myself out some of the "bad" stuff.
  • rwolfenden
    rwolfenden Posts: 16 Member
    I don't get on the scale because of the water retention during the week of my period-why feel more depressed if I don't have to?
    As for the cravings, I usually have a glass of water and actively do something else for 10-15 minutes (do the dishes, play with my baby, take a walk around the block, journal, read a chapter in a book, etc). If I'm still craving whatever it is I want after that time is up, I have one portion of it and don't beat myself up over it :) Most of the time, though, I'm not even thinking about my craving after that time and I get into what I was doing to distract myself.
  • emmab_73
    emmab_73 Posts: 33 Member
    I know this sounds like a bizarre fix, but I find if I'm having killer cravings (why did I say 'if'!! I mean 'when'!!), I have a bowl of oatmeal with raspberries and 6 dry roasted almonds, and it kills the cravings. Just throw 1/3 cup of rolled oats in a bowl with 1/3 cup water, and 1/3 cup milk or soy milk, and throw in 1/2 cup frozen raspberries. Cook in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, then sprinkle a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon on top and enjoy! It fills you up, is under 250 calories, and is really sweet. And it's the type of food that if eaten at 10pm, it won't mess with your digestion.
    The other thing is don't beat yourself up if you need to give in to a craving. Just get back on the horse the next day!