

  • I'm disappointed with the Loop. I've had it for a week. The minute I took it out of the box, I had reservations. The band has to be custom fit by cutting off incremental sections. Let me tell you, I was never so nervous to use scissors in my life! For anyone reading this before snipping, my advice is to be very careful…
  • Thanks to everyone who agrees my brother-in-law should have been ripped a new one :-) Funny, now he is about 350 pounds. I bet he's heard the "when are you due" comment. He's also now my ex-brother-in-law! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: One thing this thread has pointed out to me --- people are just (a) stupid (b)…
  • Backhanded compliment: "You and <another fat girl> do a good job of hiding things with what you wear - always big and flowing. Stupid idiot. Of course, this is the same woman that, before we were to meet later in the evening so I could be introduced to her new fiance said "You will notice he's not very attractive but he…
  • I'm new to MFP and this is the first thread that I'm reading....there are so many good ideas here that I want to go get gallons of cottage cheese and eat nothing but for the next week! My two favs right now are: 1. Fresh strawberries sliced and chilled with a little stevia, then mixed with CC. 2. Steamed asparagus, garlic,…