

  • I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. I know it is hard. Everyone always tells me I am too young to have the health problems I have and I'm 40 years old. It must be so much harder for you. We can get through it though - by adapting and with support from friends and family. There are a lot of great people on here.…
    in New! Comment by donnawannalose June 2012
  • Hi, I do that too. I have starting keeping bags of celery sprinkled with a little sea salt around so I can snack on something. Carrots sticks are good too but I only have them if someone else cuts them up. It hurts my hands too much. Also, smart pop popcorn that is 94% fat free is good. You can eat the whole bag and not do…
  • Today wasn't a very good day for me and I slept almost all day but I finally got on my bike and went at a snails pace for 40 minutes. I feel a little better now. How is everyone else doing?
  • Thank you for the positive challenge Xristy. I really appreciate the motivation. I thought I would post an update. I exercised yesterday for 15 minutes and felt really good. I even bumped up the resistance to 2 and tried to keep my regular pace. Today I'm feeling really tired for some reason. I slept till 4pm dreaming…
  • That sounds good. My doctor wants me to exercise at least 10-15 minutes every day even if I don't feel good. I haven't been able to do it every day yet but I do most days. I have a recumbent stationary bike and that is what I usually do. I can't go very fast so I just try to go as long as I can without causing myself to be…
  • Well I live in Fairbanks, AK so I've heard the pools here are cold. I'm going to call around and see which one is warmest and try it. I can't swim so I thought about taking lessons if I can afford it. I might end up just wading.
  • What kind of challenge. I'm in the same boat as you now. I'm so upset with myself for gaining so much and I have finally realized it is going to keep going up until I do something about it. I have fibromyalgia, arthritis and get so tired. Exercise is painful but I am fed up. I'm ready to do something, anything.... I am so…
  • Kim, I so know how you feel. I have fibro and energy level is hard. I was doing a lot worse though. My doctor changed and the new one seems to know more about treating fibro. She changed my meds and got me off the pain patch I was on. The pain patch was what was making me so tired. I am now taking cymbalta and tramadol,…