SHillier1983 Member


  • Me four :-) Kmart rocks!
  • I weight myself every morning but more for motivation, I only log my weight once I have lost a significant amount (anything over 0.5kg) I know sometimes it will be up and sometimes it will be the same but it just makes me aware if how I am eating and the effect of different exercise on my body. It is completely up to you!…
  • Hi I just finish Day 1 - Level 1. My Legs are hurting already so I hate to think of tomorrow but man I love working out! Its a little addictive after a while. I am looking forward to getting fitter, stronger and thinner. Keep it up!
  • Hi there, yes I am on my journey to loss weight so my husband and I can have IVF. My BMI was too high for them to allow us to go on the waiting list so I have now lost 9kg (20lb) so far and have 5 kg to go before I can go back to the doctor. It has actually be amazing so far and I am glad we have had to go through this so…
  • Hey, I'm a few days late but please put me in for 75miles. I normally work in kilometers and do approximately 10km per work out so I figure 12 workouts @ 10km works out at 120km which is 74.9 miles.
  • I used to drink coffee white with one sugar but I started drinking black as I was taking in too much dairy and it was hindering my weight loss. Turns out I love black coffee better! No sugar
  • Hi there, I am still getting my head around the whole pounds thing but in New Zealand we use kilograms. So I have 25kg to lose (8.6 kg done already). So I think that is around 50-60 pounds. Feel free to add me I love having new friends!
  • 212 calorie dinner - great for vegetarians but also great for when you are sick of eating meat or if you've had a bit of a blow out day. Egg Plant Pizza 1/2 eggplant - sliced into 2 1cm thin bases 1/4 cup sliced and sauted mushrooms 1 tomato 1 cup of spinach 40g Mozzarella 5 sautéed asparagus spears on the side Grill…
  • Hi All, My name is Sarah and i live in Auckland, I travel alot for my job and have let the weight creep on again after having lost alot for my wedding last year. My hubby and I have been told I need to get down to 88kg so we can have fertility treatment so thats why I am here. This site has been incredible for helping me…