KLB960 Member


  • Hello everyone and Happy Spring! finally!! I just got back from a 10 day trip to visit the inlaws (one is healing from a fall in Feb) and managed not to gain anything, BUT this winter was not good to me...gained all that I had lost last summer :( so I am starting all over again. I read some of your "May" inspirations and…
    in Hello May! Comment by KLB960 May 2015
  • I decided to go with what I saw on the scale Friday..my new weigh in time. I was not a good girl over the holidays and it showed but still not at much as I started last June :happy: I am looking at this as a new start. I found that if I didn't log in, I was not accountable to anyone much less myself. I didn't have much…
  • ah yes, the change in seasons and he battle over the thermostat! I love the fall with the changes in the color, can't wait for it to begin in earnest so I can walk with my camera. I just don't like what will be coming next as my outside walks will have to stop (gets too icy here..dirt roads only get plowed and sanded, no…
  • Oy vei (spelling) that was a long "chatter" ! But how true! I related to so much of that but I thankfully have a husband that makes me laugh..alot. When I hit the pillow, I am done (unless the hot flash or bathroom calls for me). But I do have some of the "fight or flight" symptoms..middle bulge and I thought it was a…
  • Thanks for the giggles ladies! :laugh: I found myself thinking that I blew the day so I can have...but refrained. My measurement for my loss now is that I can get my wedding band off without soap! and my diamond spins while I crochet. The clothes are fitting better but I refuse to buy anything yet unless I absolutely have…
  • Substitute half regular pasta and the squash with your favorite sauce. Recipe: LASAGNA IN A BOWL (from a low carb website) 1 lb of ground meat (beef, turkey, chicken) cooked and drained (makes 6 servings) per serving: 1/3 c ricotta cheese 1/2 c sugar free spaghetti sauce (I just use my favorite) 1/4 c shredded mozzarella…
  • I had joined curves after having knee surgery (okayed by DR) and that was before the computer program. It worked fine. Once the computer program went in, it still had bugs and said I wasn't working hard enough so I pushed harder (harder than what I was doing with the computer setup). Never could seem to get out of the…
  • A new month towards a new US! Way to go ladies! You all inspire the rest of us. Yes, when things get tough we get tougher. Wishing everyone a successful August!!! ~K
  • My weight loss lack of success has not been fear but BOREDOM. I not working and live in the middle of nowhere (it takes at least 30 mins to get to anything) It is a nice neighborhood to walk and I have been doing that. But I find that if I am not moving, I don't lose. And some days I can't, my arthritic knees dictate my…
  • All you girls have been so inspiring this morning! Good luck Snoozie with your surgery! SEE you later :smile: I find myself weighing every day and the new scale I found is 6 lbs heavier than the old one (not so broke now). But I feel it in my clothes too. Pants and shorts that were snug are fitting better. So the scale is…
  • I am glad you posted this. Having to get a new scale (old one broke), this is my set back. 40 days on the program and not seeing forward progress but I know it is the scale change (you need to be consistent with your scale). I just can't imagine my true weight when I started. I feel sick thinking about it :( BUT this is…
  • I thought of this quote and thought would fit in this conversation, author unknown: "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift-that is why it is called the Present."
  • I was a bad girl yesterday, I think. Went to a graduation party x2 and had a small sliver of cake. Didn't finish my food diary for yesterday. But today I went for a walk that included some hills (in the heat to boot) and a kayak ride with the hubby. On the way out the wind was at our face and then it was a breeze coming…
  • I will join you in the challenge. I don't like drinking water but I have a water bottle that is 16 oz with a straw (they say using a straw make you drink more at one time). I Like the idea of losing 10 lbs to help with the night sweats...tire of them (going on 4 yrs) but they only happen at night..covers on, covers off and…
  • How do you log the unknown in excercise like Zumba?
  • Thanks Snoozie for gathering us up in one forum. Can't wait to meet everyone or at least see where people are from
  • Hi all, I am almost 52 and I started this program 4 weeks ago and have lost the pound a week. I am so happy that I finally found something that is working! I have tried WW, low carb, and the lastest Food Lovers (which I saw no progress at all but liked the workout). I am 5'1" and started this at 178 (my heaviest was 183).…