Welcome everyone!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I know there will be days that I will slip as well... but I'm hoping you bunch will drag me back (kicking and screaming if necessary lol) to the beaten path..

    but I agree.. so for me.. part of my goal this time around... is going to be:

    every day, all through the day... I am just going to try to make the BEST choices i can thru each day..

    .. i know sometimes whatever im deciding to eat ( out of the three options of BAD choice.. BETTER choice... and BEST choice, there will be bad choice moments.. but i'm not looking for total perfection... as you said logging it all for me helps a lot... and when I am tempted by something I'm just going to say to myself.. is this the best choice I can make for my health..

    at lunch today when i chose a salad.. the answer was yes... at 3:30pm when I stopped to get a coffee and desperately wanted a donut.. i asked myself is this the best choice.. the answer was no .. so i got one tim bit instead (donut centre ball) instead... still wasn't the BEST choice (Which would have been none).. but it helped asking myself that.. I can accept there will be days and moments that it won't be the best, but I'm hopin to have a lot more BEST CHOICES with a couple of better and the occasional bad's in there too (cause up til now.. its kinda been the opposite.. mostly bad choices with an occasional good one thrown in there lol)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OMG Melissa.. you're hysterical!!! LOVE your post..... lmao @ the flashbacks to high school here too lol.. so welcome and great to have you - i think this is going to be an amazing group!!!

    I can't even imagine how hard it is to struggle with the weight surrounded by skinny people.. its bad enough at work they're all young and skinny around me lol.. but at home?? ack... you deserve a medal! LOL @ the lovely timing of your period.. ah yes the joys of peri menopause... ok its not joy.. it sucks... but you already know that lol.. I have the air conditioner running in the WINTER because I hvaent been cold in 2 years..... so I feel for ya!

    I checked out the posts today! I tried once before to join an established group of "ladies our age", and I felt like the new girl in high school looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria!

    Wow I am totally ijpressed with your exercise!!! To me, that's amazing as I have just starting walking today. I'm hoping to up it in a few weeks by adding on a bit of s/t or something,, but i have surgery at the end of the month and can't exercise for 2 weeks after so im waiting til then to do more than walking ... but at least i didnt talk myself into waiting to do anything til then lol.. so huge kudos to you!! LMAO at the bike.. yeah.. my car knows the route to every tim hortons and bakery in my neighbourhood, without me having to steer!

    Thanks for joining - look forward to sharing this journey with everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    duh. .did it again.. sorry.. had copied your post so i could read it again while i typed a response.. and forgot to delete part of it again...

    i think im just going to stick with doing replies lol... the quote thing confuses me... which apparently.. isn't all that difficult to do.. :blushing:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Suzanne( Snooozie) . I'm outta here for today. I probably won't get to log in tonite at home. But I'll check in tomorrow. It's been a great day!

    To Anyone I may have missed , Please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    duh. .did it again.. sorry.. had copied your post so i could read it again while i typed a response.. and forgot to delete part of it again...

    i think im just going to stick with doing replies lol... the quote thing confuses me... which apparently.. isn't all that difficult to do.. :blushing:

    You are too cute, especially the blushing smiley.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Snooozie, lol! I love that you do that, it makes me laugh. You can't stop now! I have not been cold in...hmm I can't remember the last time I was cold. It is a constant fight in my house...during the summer it's "expensive" to keep the house at 68 (which is where I'd like it), so we "compromise (not) and it's set at 72, but somehow always makes it to 74. I think a divorce would be even more "expensive" and if he knew what was good for him he'd turn that baby down :wink: . In the winter time, I just turn the heat off and tell everyone else to "layer up" I'm saving money. My husband does not see the humor or the irony in that, unfortunately.

    Have you read the book "The Red Tent"? It's a historical novel based loosely on the bible, and there is this tent where the women stay each month when they get their period. I fantasize, about "The Air-Conditioned Tent" where I can go and stay with my menopausal friends until I can go and cool off!!

    And now I have got to get some stuff done before I get called out on being a slacker today
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you. I didn't realize that they had a low cal menu.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, Everybody!
    Thanks Snooozie for starting this group- it's just what I was looking for- some support, some motivation, and a few giggles!
    Finally figured out why it's so slow going losing this weight ( ok, I mean besides the fact that I still have a problem with portion control)- as I was standing in the shower washing my hair this morning,with suds going everywhere, I noticed on the shampoo bottle that it adds extra volume and body- hmmm, maybe that's been my problem all along, LOL.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hey Charip.. and welcome!!

    This group creation is a joint effort thanks to Gail - but I'm so glad we managed to make it happen lol!!

    LOL @ the extra volume.. well of course thats it!!! All these years I cudda lost a few pounds if only i'd known!!

    I hear you on the portion control too... I'm going to admit .. I went out and bought a dinner plate that is 1/2 the size of my regular ones. Even though i live alone.. figure that out!!! LOL I could simply have chosen to put less on, but 50 years of training to fill a dinner plate gets me every time.. so I bought one that's sort of 1/2 way between a bread plate and a dinner plate... much smaller circumferance so I try to use that most of the time. As well, I hung a cheap plastdic 1/2 cup measuring cup off my cupboard door... which surprisingly has worked pretty well.. I keep glancing at it as im putting my plate together and thinking.. 1/2 cup is a usual serving of anything... and I tell myself I can always go back for seconds if I'm still hungry...

    sadly.. oftentimes I admit.. seconds are gone back for.. and worse yet.. im usually not even really "hungry"... it's just.. habit.. and .. it's there..... so I struggle huge with portions too.. we'll work on it together!! Maybe some of our others have some tips on dealing with it too?
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi, I'm Lisa and I'd love to join this group...(thanks Gail I saw the name on your feed and had a peek...the name was irresistible).

    I'm 52, married with 2 sons 21 and 19.... almost an empty nester...certainly not indispensable any more....except to provide a bit of cash/food/or love when needed. Also slap bang in the middle of menopause...thought I was almost there after 10 months with no TOM and then back again...now off again....thankfully the hot flushes have eased off now...although that might be just because its winter here (I'm in Australia).

    I am finding it soooo hard to shift the weight now.....if I was doing this amount of exercise and eating this few calories 10 years ago I wouldn't be here now....but better late than never and I've certainly come a long way in the past 9 months on MFP...I'm fitter than I have been in years thanks to taking up running using the C25K program which I learnt about here....and I am halfway to my goal weight. But I have been stalled for the past few months....I could pretend and say I've been 'maintaining' but that would be a lie...actually I've been trying hard interspersed with falling off the wagon very hard....food keeps jumping into my mouth...I'm particularly susceptible to ice cream and if there is any chocolate lying around....well, lets just say it doesn't lie around for long if I'm anywhere near :ohwell:

    Up until now I have told myself I am not dieting and just tried to stick to my calories and get fitter....but as I have stalled for the last few months I am now making a new start from TODAY....and i think I actually need to tell myself I am on a diet for a bit....just to get back on track and kick start some weight loss again. I have booked a session with a personal stylist and a shopping trip in November as I was going so well I thought for sure I'd be at my goal weight by then....but now its looming and I won't get there unless I stop sabotaging myself by binging on rubbish when no one is looking (I'm an emotional eater but I only eat rubbish when I'm on my own....and my husband goes away a lot and my kids go out...and then I'm on my own...and I eat!).

    I'm looking forward to getting to know a few people here...I was in a group for women over 50 when I first joined and it helped a lot but it got so big I found it very hard to keep up with everyone....but I love the fun tone of this group...its so hard trying to get this weight off that we need a laugh:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lisa x
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Lisa!! We're so glad you decided to join us!

    I had to do a double take when I saw your loss .. because i thought it was fabulous..then suddenly realized its in kg so OMG CONGRATULATIONS!! You must be so proud of your accomplishment!!

    I think most of us can totally relate to the doing well/wagon fall times... i suspect we've all been there at least once if not more.. so we understand how you're feeling now.. and we're all doing exactly what you are here.. trying again, and giving it our all (pardon the typos.. I'm in the middle of a massive hot flash right now and the sweat is litrally dripping off my forehead... tmi maybe??? lol.. )

    So kudos to you Lisa for getting back on the wagon and continuing your awesome achievement - I suspect you'll definitely be there by your lovely November trip... and we'll be happy to encourage, drag, push, slide or talk you off an ice cream ledge anytime to help you get there, k??? WE ALL ROCKKKKKKKK!

    I AM DEFINITELY an emotional eater.. and a bored eater.. but any emotion will do LOL.. I turn to food for comfort and for reward.. yup that's the truth.. and i just wrote it on the world wide web for all to see... (this is the losing your mind part of menopause..) on the other hand i'll probably forget i wrote it shortly LOL.... so when the kids and hubby have bailed and you feel like reachineg for a spoon, come on in and yell help.. we'll be there k??
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    by the way Hatters..

    in case I'm scaring anyone away with all these posts.. it's only because I'm on the last few days of my vacation LOL... once I'm back at work I'll be normal.. or as normal as I get.. :bigsmile:
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks Snoozie for gathering us up in one forum. Can't wait to meet everyone or at least see where people are from
  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    I think I posted on the wrong page....just joined today and looking forward to this group! Too many years of stagnant excess weight and losing the same 10-15 pounds over the last 10 years, is so frustrating. I am kicking fat's azz this time for good. Can't wait to get my belly button diamond when my abs are flat (maybe a tattoo, too)!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hey everyone... Time2 and I thought it might be better to start a new discussion page every day.. to keep from having to read pages of posts to catch up.. T2 has been kind enough to start the 10th.. (you rock T!) so see ya'll there tomorrow!! Nite Nite
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    I brought the chardonnay.. just in case... ;o)

    Did I see someone brought the wine...looking for my glass.

    Hi! I'm Dawn. almost to 50....47 currently and would love this group.

    I have been overweight forever. Really. A 100 lb 6 year old in k-garten is what I delt with.
    I've lost, re-gained again and again..That's why I have all the rolls now.

    I started this new lifestyle in January and have been losing, but slower then I'd like.
    I exercise 5-6 days a week: Leslie Sansone walk at home, 30 Day shred and just started on a spin group

    I'm a mother to 2 children--Boys-24 and 10 and a wife to another child. Both my husband and son have ADD- hence the wine....

    Hot flashes, mood swings, murders...ok, maybe I think about it sometimes....:explode:

    I would love to get to know everyone and be there for the cheers and tears of this weightloss journey.
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    OMG, you ladies all crack me up! I think this is just what the Dr. ordered!
    I'm Anita 53 as of 2 wks ago. And yes going thru menopause and all that good stuff everyone has been talking about. I love the comments of keeping the air on at all time of the year. I hear ya. I am married with two beautiful grown daughters. I have No reasons to not get this weight off. I just have to set my mind that this is the day I'm going to lose the weight (again) and keep it off. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Hi , I'm Linda. 51yrs young, mother of 4 adult children.I live in Wisconsin. I have been so enjoying reading all your posts as I lay here in bed with the ceiling fan, floor fan, and air conditioner on! I am a nurse of 30 years and heard about MFP at work. I have lost 14 pounds since April 28th this year, something I thought was impossible while going through menopause. I have been encouraged and inspired by complete strangers and perfect angels. It was time for a change for me and I believe I found the right place. And..Bonus....this group of women that have so much in common, all together to help and support perfect strangers....how great is that?! Looking forward to sharing with you all of our successes and wishing all of you strength to continue on, to meet your goals to a happy and healthy you!
  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    Hello to Everyone from a wet and windy UK! I am Julie, I live by the sea on the South Coast of England with my partner, cat and dog. I used to keep fit by swimming, gym and running in my 20's and 30's but joint problems put a stop tp that and I now lift weights twice a week to the best of my ability, spend an hour a day doing "walkies" and am starting a keep fit class with some ladies from work this week. Best wishes to all, I look forward to getting to know you all better and making new cyber - friends.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Hatters!!

    A new day.. and a new space - we're going to start a new topiic/discussion every day so it's easier to follow the posts (rather than one big huge one). Just look for a new topic with the current date - T2 was good enough to start todays (Tuesdays) so everyone head over and let's see how we're doing on day 2!! (I'm taking my coffee with me!!) In case you have trouble here's the link to get to todays page,see ya there!!
