

  • My biggest regret is losing 54 pounds and thinking that it would stay off when I went back to my old habits.
  • I agree. Jillian michaels dvd's. She does a good mix of cardio and strength training in minute intervals so by the time you feel the burn she's already on the next one. I also like 20 minute workout and on my less energetic days I do Richard Simmons 'cause it's a workout but fun dancing.
  • Try to make wise food choices and walk off the calories. Have red wine instead of sugar packed hard liquor or vodka with low cal mix. When you get your routine back, get back on track and be strict. Good luck and remember that it's your own hand that puts the food in your mouth. No excuses. Again, good luck and know that…
  • I notice you eat alot of fruit. It's healthy for sure but it also has alot of natural sugars. It doesn't look like you're over eating however make sure you take notice of even little bites of this or that. Those can sometimes be the silent culprit. Just my opinion. Try cutting down on your sugar intake. Good luck and I…
  • If like me, you want to dance your weight off then give Richard Simmons a try. It's fun with results and because you're enjoying it, you'll do it often. If music is your motivator ( like me) then whatever tape you do, once you know the routine, turn down the volume and play your own music instead.
  • One pound at a time. Visualize one pound of butter then two and then start stacking them in your mind for each pound lost. Then think "wow, this is what i'm getting rid of. When you get to 10 pounds, go to the grocery store and pick up a ten pound bag of potatoes. You will then say "holy smokes, I was carrying around this…
  • It feels like another job and one more thing to schedule in my day. I wish they,d bring back Dancersize. I always looked forward to getting fit by dancing to my kind of music. I don't mean Zumba because that's so intense and feels like a job too. I mean a Dancersize that has steps that are easy to learn and the whole class…
  • You are working a lot and working out a lot but probably sleeping too little. When our body gets tired, we fuel it with food to bring our energy level back up. Usually that food is sugar. Notice that the next time you are tired. Know your triggers and change how you handle them. If you are working out a lot then…
  • I work out with the old one. 20 minutes. I bought the new one then sent it back. It didn't seem like one that I would look forward to doing. Not that I ever look forward to doing most of them but the 20 minute workout is fun and the time goes by fast. Hope this helps. You should youtube both of them and see if a piece of…