This is gonna be harder than I thought...



  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Umm, if you're doing strength training and a lot of exercise, you probably built muscle on top of losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space on the body, so a 1 lb loss when you are doing muscle-building exercises is actually something to be very proud of.

    My advice to you is to step away from the scale and use a measuring tape to determine how much closer you are getting to your goals. The number on its own is very misleading when there are so many factors to fitness.
  • cwalker1959
    cwalker1959 Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I am 53 years old and due to some serious health issues I lost 70 pounds. I have regained 8 pounds, and I am so discouraged. I tracked my calories and exercised 60 min each day this week and stepped on the scales this morning to see a 3 pound gain! I have heart failure, so I realize I have fluid retention which is very concerning. It is a battle, but it can be won! Just keep doing what you are doing, because it sounds like you have an amazing routine going!!:smooched:
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for all of your words of wisdom and encouragement. This week has been SOOOO hard on me because of my girlfriends birthday. I've been eating like crap and it all started with the meatballs! Haha...

    You are all so right. I need to stop obsessing over intake, calories and losing weight and focus more on the change itself. I am working out and being healthy and that is what is most important. I have a fire lite under my *kitten* right now because I am trying to reach my ultimate milestone of under 200...which I haven't been since High School!! I think that because I want it so badly, I have just been putting an extreme amount of pressure on this entire thing!! And that is unnecessary.

    Marpalde, you're so right with the sleeping and readily available. I totally ate it because it was there and I really needed the energy. Like I have mentioned before, working nights really throws you off. I go RIGHT back into a normal routine right when I get off of my shift for the I try to adjust as much as possible...but the sleep thing isn't going to fix itself until I am able to get a different job...where I work normal hours. I do try to get a little more sleep on my days off and I definitely notice a huge difference when I am rested versus when I am completely exhausted. I push myself a lot on no's just the nature of my job and my life right now. So...I've been trying to work with that and adjust as best I can. It also sucks that I don't sleep the best anyway. I'm trying to work on that as well.

    As for the gaining of muscle, haha I totally don't even think of that for some reason and I've been trying to tell myself to stop being so crazy. You just want to SEE changes and when I look in the mirror, I'm like oh. And I totally should get my girlfriend to measure me instead of going by the scale, because the scale can be so mean sometimes!!

    Thanks for everything. You guys are such a big help to this process!!
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    Hi I don't work nights but my jobs is stressfull and I can't always stop to eat when I need to ,so I've started packing snacks that I can grab quickly and eat as I go here are some of my favs.

    pre mixed protien drinks

    hard boiled eggs

    greek yogurt

    fruit already cut up for easy snacking

    hummus and cut up veggies

    celery with peanut butter

    deli ham rolled with mustard

    half sour pickle


    leftovers that I can eat cold no time for heating

    Good luck I know it is hard, but when I have something close at hand I can just grab and eat I'm less likely to grab something I don't really want to eat just because it is handy, and I don't need a large lunch if I've grazed all day I'm not hungery and my energy level stays up.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I'm actually going to incorporate hard boiled eggs into my diet starting this week, since I need to consume more protein too. I mostly eat fruit when I need something to grab, but my body burns up the energy the fruit gives me SO fast while I am working at night. I need things with more subsistence that are good for you. So I think that I can going to do hard boiled eggs. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on protein bars...pros and cons?? It sucks being a really picky eater too, so that definitely doesn't help...I have started eating greek yogurt and it's great. I love that. You know...I have yet to try hummus. I've been scared to but that's a great idea for a snack!! I have been looking for some really good snacking ideas. How about The Laughing Cow, light cheese spread?? I'm wondering if that would be a good snack?
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member
    Dont give up. just keep going..
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks!! :) I will!!
  • marpalde
    marpalde Posts: 9
    One pound at a time. Visualize one pound of butter then two and then start stacking them in your mind for each pound lost. Then think "wow, this is what i'm getting rid of. When you get to 10 pounds, go to the grocery store and pick up a ten pound bag of potatoes. You will then say "holy smokes, I was carrying around this much extra weight? " One pound at a time will get you there.
    Take a good (ask pharmacist) vitamin and mineral supplement. You will crave less when your body has a good balance of nutrients. Think of your body as a motor. Your liver is the filter. It filters the toxins out of our body. Junk food clogs the liver. It can't filter the toxins when it' s clogged. Once unclogged, the toxins are filtered out very easily , so everything we ingest goes to where it should and what our body doesn't need, gets filtered out. Our motor will now work perfectly. This week, focus on cleaning out your liver. for one week, eat antioxidant foods. (google and choose the ones you like 'cause you will stay focused if you can at least eat the foods you like). One week later, allow yourself a treat. Once your liver is unclogged, you can have a treat a week and the toxins will be able to get filtered out. Watch the sugar content in your meals 'cause sugar drives our insulin levels crazy and makes losing weight more difficult. Did you know that when a driver is tired, a drink of water helps keep them awake a little bit longer? Do this when you are tired too. Before you reach for a snack, have a glass of water. That should help a bit too. One step and one pound at a time.