

  • how long did it take before you noticed a change? i've been using her cardio videos and an hour's worth of different pilates videos six days a week for a month now and haven't noticed much change. :/
  • i was wondering the same thing, and got this response from someone on the facebook page: The POP Pilates format is different from the classic Pilates format. It's higher in reps and intensity than regular Pilates. As you have seen in her videos, Cassey also combines all sorts of moves in her videos. (Squats, lunges,…
  • i do feel like this is a beneficial way of looking at it, because you're not going to binge on the things you crave. which i, personally, am very prone to do when on an actual "diet."
  • "eating clean" as described by Cassey Ho: What does “Eat Clean” mean? Eating clean means to eat whole, nutritious, unprocessed foods that are good for your body. This means cutting out anything fried and sugary. Also cut out any refined carbs like white breads, regular pasta and white rice. Stay AWAY from soda and be…
  • the calisthenics IS the pilates, but the reason i put it as that is because of the answer to the FAQ page on the blogilates site: "How many calories do I burn when doing your workouts? I advise going to sites such as,, or to track your calorie burn. Enter your age, gender,…
  • i've always enjoyed diet drinks much more than regular, they taste sweeter to me. lol. but i have mostly just switched to only drinking water and skim milk. also, whenever i eat bread (which is not often due to this) i only 100% wheat bread (which i hate). i also try to monitor what kind of fats are in foods, i know trans…
  • i have been making an effort at eating clean, however, as i said before, my mom isn't only cooking for me and has to satisfy my brother and dad. another thing is i just try to find the product on MFP that as closely fits what i'm having as possible. i have noticed that a lot of things in my diary have some brand names at…
  • I AM FINALLY GETTING SOME HELPFUL ADVICE! thank you guys so much, because this has been so stressful. maybe once i get back to college and can try to get a job, i can save up for a better quality HRM, thanks for warning me about that.
  • i've thought about just doing cardio, but i kinda wanted to get in the habit of this stuff, so i decided to do it all. haha. as far as eating goes, i tend to eat what i want just within the calorie limit that was given me, just to keep me from binging on my favorite things. heart monitors seem to be so expensive, but i…
  • i do try to eat back those workout calories, if that changes anything. it might not. lol
  • all the people i asked around me said i should be trying to work out every day, but they're just teenagers and young adults, like myself. should i be resting more?
  • i don't work out on saturday.
  • where do you buy the monitors? i don't know much about them. and i have done measurements, but they haven't changed since i started, so i haven't updated them since the first time i logged them. and thank you! :D yet another edit... for my pilates, i put heavy calisthenics because Cassey, the woman who makes the videos…
  • well i figured like the walking was too high, but i usually eat like 500 less calories than what they advise me eat, which is lower than the goal but doesn't give me the message about undereating, so i figured that was okay. and yeah, it was one piece of meat and one piece of cheese, lol. i don't go very crazy with my…
  • thank you for saying that. :D
  • i just made it public, if you would like to take a look.
  • PT as in personal trainer? yeah, i don't have money for that. lol. i do try to work as hard as possible. and i do not have a monitor. also, the thing about what i eat is i'm at home right now for the summer, so my mom does all the food planning and while she DOES try to keep my diet in mind, she also has to prepare food…
  • i do different parts of my body every night; back, shoulders, arm, core, inner thighs, outer thighs, calves, all of it. pilates is good for me because i'm not strong enough to really life weights effectively. so i use my body weight instead of big chunks of metal. and i feel that pilates is just as good as "strength…
  • i can't lift light. lol
  • absolutely none of it has changed, sadly.
  • i'm having the same exact problem. i'm 5'7", 147 pounds, i eat the right amount of calories (eating back calories and all) and i work out over 12 hours a week. however, i've been doing this for three weeks and haven't seen the scale budge. anyone know what could be up with that? or any advice? no one has really helped with…
  • i've been eating the right calories, i quit getting the note that says i'm eating too few. however, since i've started keeping up with calories and working out almost every day, i've seen no change in my weight or measurements. i've been doing this for two weeks and understand that i have to be patient and losing weight…
  • i don't really mean to undereat, but i feel like i'll only be maintaining my weight if i'm not "dieting"
  • i'm on the same stuff, but i haven't really noticed it messing with my weight. i've only been using it for a month, though, so it could have an effect that i have yet to really notice.