schedule help?

i'm new to taking weight loss so seriously, but i'm ready to get it done and would like some advice.

i'm trying to lose about thirty pounds, and while i know its a slow process, i would like to make it as quick as possible (if that's only two pounds a week, then fine, but i want to see that two pounds every week).

i've been cutting back on portions and i eat under MFP recommended calories every day (mostly because i feel like i have to if i want to see a change).

i walk three days a week for an hour (roughly 3 mph), do thirty minutes of cardio (heavy aeroboics) six days a week, and an hour of (advanced) pilates six days a week.

does this sound about right? will i see my body changing, and how soon could i start seeing results?

i don't want to completely overrun my life with working out, but it seems that i have to in order to get what i want.


  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Two pounds a week is actually awfully fast, and if you undereat..your metabolism can slow down and make it all even harder. Patience! Do this the healthy way...its worth it in the long run.
  • lizzieliladunst
    i don't really mean to undereat, but i feel like i'll only be maintaining my weight if i'm not "dieting"
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Patience is key. We would all love for the weight to come off quickly.

    With only 30lbs left to lose 1lb per week is a good goal. When you don't have a ton to lose too big of a deficit isn't a good thing. The faster it comes off the faster it can come back.

    It's harder to maintain when you take it off quickly. It also leads to more lose skin.

    Slow and steady is best and healthiest.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I feel trying to lose 2 pounds a week is not the right way to do it... slow and steady wins the race! If you are working out 5-6 times per week you need more calories.
  • lizzieliladunst
    i've been eating the right calories, i quit getting the note that says i'm eating too few. however, since i've started keeping up with calories and working out almost every day, i've seen no change in my weight or measurements. i've been doing this for two weeks and understand that i have to be patient and losing weight the right way takes time, however, i feel like something would have changed since i started, even if its only one pound. am i wrong?

    seeing change is the most motivational thing for me, and not seeing any results makes me feel like i'm busting my butt for nothing. :/

    and thanks for the comments. :)