

  • Tina, my best friend's husband also has that, he's been hospitalized twice for it. I don't think he gets nearly enough fiber. What do you find works best for you as far as fiber goes? My challenges are: 1. Weekend eating habits. We don't eat at home much on the weekends, and if we do it's because we are having a veg out…
  • Yeah, I was taking fiber, I just need a better way to take it, I can't stomach the awful drinks. Any suggestions? I watch my fiber in my food log, I try to make sure my breakfast and lunch have a lot of fiber. I know I need to drink more water, I just forget, which is odd because all I drink is coffee, herbal tea, or water.
  • Okay, so I finally weighed myself, I have lost 2 more pounds, yay. I am keeping everything within my guidlines and exercising everyday, but even though I am keeping my calories under, I haven't been eating the best food (380 calorie fried fish-fil-a anyone?). I finally went grocery shopping, so hopefully adding more fruits…
  • So far so good for me. I was able to move my belt back another another notch last night, so that was exciting. I don't have a scale, so I have to go weigh myself to see. Keeping my calories under and keeping up with exercise, although I'd like to push myself a lot further in that department. I know what you guys mean about…
  • Welcome. That's my husbands 30th birthday.
    in Welcome! Comment by shea14shea June 2012
  • Aimee- That is a combination of all the information learned, a nutrition class I took, and heard over and over again. I did find some links that may help explain some of it. Figuring out the right amount of calories for yourself is a little complicated, it depends on your height, weight, activity level, etc. That's why…
    in Welcome! Comment by shea14shea June 2012
  • I wish my gym had ab machines! For an apartment gym it's really good, but it's still an apartment gym. That reminds me, when I used to go the YMCA they had rowing classes with machines that used water resistance. That was by far the best full body workout I ever had. If anyone is lucky enough to belong somewhere with…
  • 50 minutes on the elliptical? Go you! That's great!
  • Hello, I have 10-15 pounds remaining, and I want it gone by the end of August. I don't have an exact amount because it really depends more on my size and body toning. I am currently 155 and a size 10-12. I want to be a toned (not buff) 7-9. I want smaller arms, no more muffin top, and everything else to pick itself back…
    in Welcome! Comment by shea14shea June 2012
  • Aimeeus: Eating too few calories will slow your metabolism down. That's why you should get at least 1200 calories. Plus you need the vitamins and energy from food. Reducing calories (the number depending on your size, usually 1200-1500) will lose weight. Make sure you get lots of fiber. Eating breakfast is a biggie too. If…
    in Welcome! Comment by shea14shea June 2012
  • WSBRI4: Have you tried a liver and colon cleanse? Sometimes that can stunt progress because your body isn't at it's maximum functioning level for getting rid of fat and waste. Just a thought.
    in Welcome! Comment by shea14shea June 2012
  • I am doing 4-5 days a week. I am trying to do 10-15 minutes on the treadmill, high intensity (for me anyway), 5 minutes of stair steps (am already seeing improvements in my buns) and I do a different fitness challenge each week. So far I have done the butt challenge the arm…
  • Thanks, I'll have to do that. I want to make sure I'm staying healthy while I'm losing!
    in Hi Comment by shea14shea June 2012