danog8 Member


  • Do an athletic activity that you love! It'll get you motivated because it will make you feel great and you'll remember that losing weight and being healthy is fun! I know it's a little vague, but I hope this helps!
  • I don't think you should downplay this. THIS IS GREAT! Water is so important to the body (which i'm sure you know), so when you come to the point where you prefer it, that's a big WIN! :) Congrats!
  • Variety is the spice of life. yes, cliche, but you'll go insane if you nit pick everything about your workout plan. I think it's great that you changed it up and did something else (which was probably more fun so kudos!). Being able to make changes in your diet and exercise that deviate from your "plan" and still keep it…
    in I'm insane Comment by danog8 July 2011
  • Couch to 5k is great! My brother and I did it last year and ran a 5k last August. It was a really great reward after all the training! You should definitely give it a try! I really don't like running much, but it sets out clear goals and a reasonable schedule, which helps tremendously! Also, if you have a smartphone (and…
    in Couch to 5K Comment by danog8 July 2011
  • I wouldn't think so. Unless you have cholesterol issues. Then you could just lose the egg yolks. I try to eat eggs as much as possible. They are really one of the superfoods if you ask me. Tons of protein. Hope this helps!
    in food Comment by danog8 July 2011