

  • Hi everyone! Found this thread by accident and live seeing so many 50+ gals out there. Happy New Year to everyone also. I've been on my weight loss journey since June and am nearly at my goal of losing 75 pounds, another 7 pounds to go. Anyone wanting to friend me please, I always welcome new friendships. And if there is…
  • Before I started losing weight I was pounding the diet soda down, I was drinking it morning noon and night. It was difficult at first giving it up(which I did cold turkey) but now I don't miss it at all. In the last 4 months I've maybe had a total of 2 cans and had no desire to have more. I don't know if I can say I feel…
  • Hi! Everyone needs friends and through friends with common goals comes the support and motivation you need. I was a bit skeptical when trying MFP, but I have to say it has been so helpful. Not only in recording and knowing what I am putting in my body, but also the friendship with others who can relate to the weightloss…
  • Hi! I think you will like MFP. It's a great way to not only keep track of everything, but you're interacting with others who have similar goals, likes and struggles. Everyone I've met since starting MFP in June have been so encouraging. So please, feel free to friend me!
  • I think you are in almost an abusive situation. I don't know what kind of work you are doing but $300 a day is pretty good. I think your SO is not only cheating on you but using you big time! He has an ex-wife, why are you helping him pay this? As harsh as this may sound, you need to get out from under him. You are young,…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend( and anyone else who reads this)! I started my weight loss journey the first of June and was introduced to MFP mid June. I've lost 35lbs do far and have been as to stay very motivated; not only by my family but this site. It's such a great tool to monitor your food and calorie intake,…
  • I'm a young 57 year old who after beating cancer decided it was time to get my body back. Since June 1st I've lost 35 lbs. a friend introduced me to MFP a few weeks after I started and it is a great tool for managing not only your food and calorie intake, but meeting people with similar interests and weight issues. I am…
  • I know all the feelings you are facing, I've lost and gained a few times. Then. Snot health issues(cancer) really left me leading a sedentary life for a few years. Now healthy and feeling good, it became time to take control of my life and body again. With the help of a childhood friend who has lost 95lbs, I got started.…
  • Thanks! I know I can do it. I have great support at home. Sure is a lot harder taking it off than putting it on tho. L