

  • Nice Job on getting to the gym!!! I had a bad day too. I've been a bit depressed about a lot of different things and I tend to take it out on my goals. So today... It was a whole package of grasshopper cookies. That's right the whole thing. 1500 calories to be exact. I'm going to working those calories off for a week. I am…
  • bumping!!!!! This should be required reading. I am a health nut by nature, but have become overweight because of all the negative influence we all get about nutrition and food from everywhere. I love the accountability the MFP provides. This is almost too easy. Reguardless of the exercise I chose everyday, I try to get…
  • hi ladies i set my goals simply too i just had a baby at the end of april and it's time to start losing the padding:smile: goal 1: exercise 4 times this week (reward-sleep in mon morning) goal 2:stop late nite snacking (reward-10oz cup of diet a&w rootbeer-my favorite-the next day with lunch goal 3:stop finishing my kids'…
  • :heart: I lone me more than I love a bag of oreo cookies and a half gallon of milk!!!:heart:
  • Don't feel bad about bananas. With complex carbs, your body has to work to burn them off. Look into it. Try replacing a serving of pasta or bread in exchange for the carbs from bananas, they are way better for you than wheat carbs will ever be. Not to mention you get fiber out of bananas like you would from pasta or bread…
  • Hey everyone It's been a long day but I got started at 6:30 this morning with my bible study and a 10 mile bike ride. What a way to start the day. My husband and I had a lot of work to do and I am feeling stronger and I have more energy than I have in a long time. Even with getting up earlier. I don't know about anyone…
  • I'm in too! I am in the beginning stage of losing 60lbs. I just had a baby 2 mo. ago and I can't call this babyfat either. Too many boxes of brownies more like. I am running and biking 5 days a week. I have a pretty high fitness level though. I might be overweight but I've been active my whole life. what is everyone else…
  • Thank you to all who replied. As you can see my awsome ticker (with no weight loss yet as you can see) is up and running. Now to see some progress... Elizabeth
  • This is such an awsome tool. I sat around trying to think up a running buddy, when one did not appear out of thin air, I started looking on the net. I hope that this journey will not only be successful but that I will find a buddy or two working on the same goals. Elizabeth
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