kittina Member


  • I have a terrible sweet tooth always have, always will. There's days when I want to just eat candy and lots of it! I find certain treats help here and there. For chocolate I like the jello sugar free puddings and I pair it with some almonds, the 100 calorie Cadbury bars, chocolate protein bars and protein shakes also help…
  • Nutz Over Chocolate Luna Bar on my way out the door. Delicious!
  • I believe it was a small, damn you Wendy's and your sneaky nutritional value website. It'll all work out I'm headed to the gym after work and I know better for next time.
  • I'm at 181 right now and would like to get down to 155-160, heck I'd even settle for 165. I'm game I need added support and motivation I keep sobataging myself on the weekends!