Thunderith Member


  • I have found that my polar gives me a much more accurate reading of my calorie loss than this database is. I would trust your readings and trust that they are correct.
  • I have a Polar RS100 (about $109.00) and I wonder how I ever ran without it. It has an interval timer, very simple interface, and is actually comfortable to work with. The only downside is that is only stores one training record at a time so if you are not careful you can lose your whole workout record with just the touch…
  • With all the weight I have lost, and honestly it was not that much, I dropped half a shoe size. I when to a running shop and had the measure my feet and where I used to be a size 10 I am now a size 9 1/2. I guess there is fat in our feat as well as our stomach. :)
    in Size 13 Comment by Thunderith March 2011
  • I have been doing one with: One box of the very vanila soy milk One cup of blueberries One cup of pineapple That makes two smoothies so I drink one then and poor the other one up and drink it the next day. The calories are 167 per serving and the sugar is 28. Its not great with sugar but its not bad. If you use regular soy…
  • Welcome to the wonderful world. If you need any help please just reach out and touch.
    in New Comment by Thunderith January 2011