

  • Today is a fresh start for me too. However, I have been through cycles of losing weight by eating healthy and exercising, and then gaining it all back and some more. Myfitnesspal is a great help and helped immensely when I lost 20 odd pounds last time. But then I have gained 25 back in the last several months. An advice…
  • Thats a very good documentary. In addition, the bestselling book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman (http://www.amazon.com/Eat-Live-Amazing-Nutrient-Rich-Sustained/dp/031612091X/ref=tmm_pap_title_0) - Eat to Live gives detailed, scientific and incredibly well-researched arguments for being vegetarian. I also agree that there are tons and…
  • Hi, i have been a vegetarian all my life and let me bust the myth that vegetarians dont get protein in their diet, and the only way to get proteins is tofu and soybean. The other class of foods which provide all essential and non-essential amino-acids for vegetarians are the different kinds of lentils, beans and legumes.…