myrasays Member


  • Not able to breeze through them at all. It is usually quite the sweaty workout. I am working on building strength towards that 3-5 with heavier weight, but I pace myself & allow my tendons to catch up before I attempt. Just curious about the logic behind keeping the reps low while in a deficit? (Energy expenditure?) That…
  • Oh and if anyone is wondering why I originally quoted 60-70lbs for squats/deadlifts and now it's up to 80lbs for each - I went up for each. Also, yes - I am lifting at 3 sets for 8 reps on heavy loads @ana3067
  • Thank you! I'll look into that.
  • Thank you so much for all of your careful thought into this response! I could kiss you! :) So too much protein, based on lean body mass. What about everything I have read stating you need to eat more to prevent catabolizing muscle mass while in a cut? Just curious about your thoughts on that. I am with you on it being too…
  • Thank you for the encouragement. It could just be the learning curve of what actually fits, but I feel like this plan is too low on everything except protein.
  • Also - if anyone has some sound, solid resources where I could read more (not please, already scoured it a million times) that would be helpful, too! Thanks :) Also, I am a research-based snob - if they can't cite a source, I don't continue reading...
  • I mentioned that my goal is to lean out, so fat loss, but not at the sake of a lot of muscle. To be more specific, I would like to get down to 18% body fat as I think that would be manageable for me at this time. Stats are: Weight = 135 Body fat = 20.5% Activity level = heavy weight lifting 4x per week (upper/lower body…
  • I do eat real meat - at every meal. I paid for this just to see how accurate my measures personally were (and they were not) - but thanks for the input anyway.
  • Ohh thank you! I have a lot of other symptoms popping up indicating thyroid issues right now too, so I think I will see a specialist for further testing. I quit the HIIT workouts for awhile & the sweating hasn't improved, but is less frequent. Appreciate your feedback, very much!
  • It's just got to be the metabolism revving through your sleep too. It's the only answer I have come up with because lately I have been sleeping in a variety of different atmospheres (more humid, more dry, etc) but my workouts are still late afternoon/evening. Guess what? I have woken up covered in sweat in all of those…
  • No sir. Just a deep sleeper naturally.
  • Yes and apparently they are normal. Truth is, I never feel like they're normal & low blood sugar runs in my family. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
  • lol that's what I said too! omg sorry for the 1201032810942 edits - i can't believe you still have to use html to post in a message board & reply - seriously MFP? This is why I don't normally post in here! I think I got it now :glasses:
  • Way to go - you look absolutely stunning! Congratulations and thank you for the inspiration. :smile:
  • He did check my thyroid and those levels came back normal. I've heard it could be my drinking a glass of water before bed - you have to sweat it out. However, I just don't think that sounds correct either given the amount that I'm sweating lol.
  • Oh lots of things! Mostly, my joint pain & digestive issues. I love to move. I am addicted to physical activity - I have even discovered that I am pretty good at sports (not something I ever knew about myself lol). But I am struggling because the following day's joint pain gives me anxiety about what I'm doing to my body.…
  • Pilates! :) Seriously, amazing results. Also? Weighted bridges. Those you can at least add some weight to without performing a squat and injuring your knees.
  • I agree with this! I lost 15 lbs that I actually DIDN'T need to lose in my Freshman year because of cooking @ home (& quite frankly, not having a lot of extra spending cash to splurge everyday at the cafeteria). Here in FL some of our universities have fast food restaurants & bars in the student unions (Idk how it is up…
  • 100% true. I started at 10-15 min of running (which was more like run-stop-run-stop) and then worked the run-stop combo up to one hour & 5 miles in about 3 months. My very fit, tennis-pro boyfriend can't even keep up. Nice job! You're already kicking butt ahead of the curve!
  • Sounds like a bad week. Let me just say, ignore them & also ignore any nagging little voice in your head that you can't do it. You CAN. They will soon feel pretty foolish. However, they should be ashamed of themselves for picking on you anyway. Use this as your motivation to KEEP GOING. Take out your frustration in your…