mvexplorer Member


  • I take celexa and my weight has not gone up in fact it has gone down, and I have better control over my diet. Talk to your doctor about your concerns for weight gain, and they should be able to prescribe a weight-neutral drug.
  • Fresh mozerella cheese, chips and spinach dip, cinnamon toast crunch, and pizza! Drinking also does me no good.
  • I love movie tavern! Some of my family only likes to go there as well because of the bigger seats it is more comfortable. That being said, I just took a look through their menu, and there is pretty much nothing on there that would be safe (meaning lower) calorie wise except maybe if you split the hummus or had a slice of…
  • 1. PIZZA! 2. French fries 3. Beer/wine I try to limit these things to when I am out of the house and have social accountability to not eat a whole pizza or/and a large fries. I do struggle with all of them though, so as much as you can't rule out anything forever, I am trying to cut back a lot right now. If I can't see…
  • 160 calories is more of a snack than a meal even at a 1200 calorie/day level. You definitely need to eat something with the oatmeal to stay full longer. I know I can't eat just oatmeal or I am starving in a few hours because it is all carbs and very little protien and fat.
  • That's amazing! I love your confidence. I am about the same as your starting stats with the same goals, and I don't have the confidence to do the undie run yet! Maybe next year!!
  • A quick google search shows food scales can be ordered (at least in the US) for as little as $8.99. Measuring cups would be more accurate than a palm estimate, but I would say just spend the $10-20 on a scale and it will make your life infinitely easier. Sorry if you are not in the US and this comment doesn't apply.
  • I have read a number of articles on this, and I think it is true that once you are obese, it is harder to maintain at a thinner weight. However, this doesn't mean it is impossible. I liked the line "obesity in remission." It shouldn't be an excuse not to try to lose weight.
  • I was just looking for inspiration. No need to be rude about it, I realize you could eat literally anything with a sandwich. I did think your suggestion of a goat was humorous though.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I had some soup with my sandwich for dinner! It is completely a mental thing for me. I know I can be full with the sandwich alone, but it just doesn't feel complete if I don't have at least something on the side. I am not someone who can feel satisfied with six little meals. Even eating the same…
  • I would suggest trying to run outside as well. You have done a GREAT acchomplishment!! Now it's time to take it to the streets!
  • I can think of several restaurants in DC that have co-ed bathrooms with mutiple stalls and one sink area. Generally, the stalls are fully enclosed, but I am fairly sure this is not a legal precedent.
  • I usually only cook for myself, but if I am making a recipe with multiple servings in something like pasta, I will automatically portion it into the number of servings the recipe divides it by. I weigh the pasta before cooking then try to divide evenly into servings using Tupperware after cooking. Might not work if your…
  • I actually just ate ice cream and used my scale instead of my measuring cup. I was amazed how big of a difference the measurement was. The measuring cup was allowing me to eat way more than I should have been!!! :s Lesson learned. Measuring by grams from now on!
  • I am 5'8" and have HUGE hips, 50 inches around. I carry all of my weight there. The airplane seats for me are generally comfortable and I don't feel like I'm crowding anyone, but definitely smaller than theaters.
  • Hahaha you made me chuckle.
  • The amount of people who keep suggesting freezing things despite it has been said numerous times that freezing is not an option is comical. I am not a big salad person, so I try to get my greens in different ways such as cooking fresh spinach into my pasta dishes or roasting other types of vegetables. I have found unless I…
  • I was actually just thinking of posting the same exact thing. I am great for two weeks, and then I fall off the band wagon for a month or two then start all over. Any advice anyone has for making it past the two week mark would be greatly appreciated by me too.
  • Binging on junk food. I could easily eat six reese's eggs (hearts, trees, pumpkins, depending on the season) or an entire medium pizza in one sitting. I need to learn moderation when it comes to treats, because I will never last if I completely cut them out.
  • Saving for later! Height: 5'7.5" SW: 218 CW: 212 GW: 161.5 (my healthy BMI!) Thanks everyone! :smile:
  • I once just gave my measurements and was given a size 20 when I usually wore a 14/16. I have huge hips so that's where the number came from but when I got it, I could have fit at least two of me in it. Bridesmaid dresses are not a reflection of anything.
  • Thanks all! I suppose I already knew the answer to my own question, but I was hoping there was something I hadn't thought of yet. As with all things diet/lifestyle related I will just have to buck up and use the willpower!
  • Because after two years at the same weight, I realized I was leading a maintenance lifestyle rather than a weight loss lifestyle. Apparently, I know how to maintain, but I’m not close to where I need to be to be considered healthy. I need to learn how to still be the loud, life of the party while taking care of myself. As…
  • After every weekend (where I cheat a bit) I generally gain anywhere between 3 and 5 pounds, but by Wednesday its always back down to where I was meant to be. Don't worry! Give it a few days!
  • I think it probably is a bit of beginner's luck there. I think it is easy to follow the eating plan so long as I take the time to plan and don't eat out. As soon as I start eating meals out (without previously checking calorie content), or have drinking events is when it gets a whole lot harder. Also, it is easy to give up…
  • The problem with nuts is moderation. While healthy, unless you take the time to measure it out then most people are eating way more than they should be. At least that is the only reason I can see for avoiding nuts.
  • I am in! That is the day before my friend's wedding, so it's perfect!
  • I have been using a Nike sportsbra that has a cross back that works really well to hold in the 36DD girls. I always size down in sportsbras because I feel like it gives me more support.
  • I love the plain nonfat chobani greek yogurt. I usually add one packet of Splenda and either some fresh raspberries or some granola and it is delicious!
  • I'm on level one day 3. My arms are what is killing me! I have zero upper body strength so even with extremely light weights I feel like I am dying half way through each strength section!!