nassaugyal Member


  • So, I've found myself coming back to this thread just for the inspiration. I love all the answers!
  • I'm loving all the responses! As for me, this article pretty much sums it up perfectly: 9 Reasons why everyone should life heavy things on purpose.
  • I stalk the goals thread every month and get so inspired, but I have never set any. That’s changing this month. So, here are mine: 1. Lose 7 lbs I am sooo freaking tired of counting calories, so this month I want to finally get rid of this last 7 lbs. (yes, I know I’ll still have to count to maintain but at least he number…
  • So, against all of your wonderful advice I dove straight in and had a medium rare steak on Saturday. It was really anticlimactic. Lol, I thought I would taste it and my entire world would shift as I remembered how wonderful a perfectly grilled steak could be. I wasn't ill or anything, although my stomach has been a little…
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone! I lifted last night and felt great! I can't believe how much stronger and confident I felt. I'm definitely going to schedule in breaks or deloads every 6-8 weeks. My numbers have been going up so slowly that I didn't think I would need to until I got to much heavier weight. But, the numbers…
  • Thanks for the advice. I should have mentioned that I'm also not in the US but I'm pretty sure I can find local farmers. I feel so silly for not thinking of it before actually. And this would definitely help me be able to sleep a little better at night. And @questionfear - you're totally right about being able to be a…
  • Definitely. I've been doing stronglifts for about 5 months now (my, how times flies!) and I don't do anything extra to specifically target abs, but as I lose more and more body fat and get stronger on my lifts I definitely see what could almost be called the beginning of a six pack (if you squint). My ab muscles definitely…
  • Welcome!!! In terms of breathing, I inhale at the top and exhale as I come up. It actually really helps if I'm struggling. In fact, my sister was just making fun of the noises I make as I'm exhaling on the way up. For the order, complete all the sets of each exercise before moving on the next.
  • So, I really think that I may be addicted to lifting. I'm still pretty much a newbie but I think I'm becoming obsessed with getting stronger and stronger.
  • You ladies are focused! I love it! Am I the only loser who wanted to take a break for the Holidays? My plan for November was to cut calories hard and get my body weight down to 149lbs (from 155) then focus on maintenance during December. Well, I got down to 151.5 which I'm pretty stoked about. But the lack of calories…
  • Good for you llamapants86. It's so important to appreciate good things and good people while they're around! I hope everyone else is doing well. I think I'm over the blahs, and trying to push negativity away. Sneaking out for a extended lunch break to get my lifts in. Fingers-crossed that no one notices!!!!
  • great progress zebraorchid! how long have you been doing stronglifts?
  • Yes! chit-chat! So, I've been feeling blah the last couple of days. Feel like all of my workouts have sucked and that I'm losing all of the progress I've made. Not really sure why I feel this why, I've deloaded a bit to work on form but I'm at 105lbs squat which is my pr so I really have no reason to be down on myself.…
  • Thanks, massage97. Hopefully it's just a knot.
  • Hiya! I'm 30 with a 1 year old. I'm so glad to have found this group. Just squeezed a weight bench onto my back porch so I can get lifts in before work while baby is still sleeping. This means waking up at 4:30 am. It's been a month so far. So far so good, but each morning is getting more and more difficult.
  • Nice work, chicas! Here's what I was able to squeak out today: squat - 3x5 @ 85lbs, 2x4 85lbs BP - 5x1 @70lbs, 5x4 @70 BR - 5x5 @ 60lbs After giving myself a much needed pep talk, I feel pretty good. I'm not hitting all of my reps and that was getting me really down. I actually cried last workout after not being able to…
  • My heroes! I'm telling you, you ladies are really an inspiration. Squatted 85lbs today and it was awesomely difficult. I was so close to quitting but I didn't! Afterwards though, I thought, "Okay, there's no f-ing way I'll be able to do 90 next time" and then I see the numbers that you all are racking and I get motivated.…
  • Loving the motivation! I've been a stalker for awhile - just sucking up the positivity without giving much back. But, one of my goals is to correct that! This morning was a bench press day (day 5 of doing SL) and I was supposed to be on 55lbs. From the very first rep it was difficult but I fought through and was able to…
  • Thanks. I was never really a fan of pilates, though I've always loved yoga. I guess I saw it as kind of a yoga rip-off with no real added benefit. One day I accidentally clicked on a video for pilates on youtube (thinking it was yoga) and found that I like it. Think I'll give it a shot and see if it helps me with my lifts.
  • My brother and husband lift so luckily I have someone to talk to, but I've been looking for other women to talk to because they're, of course, progressing way faster than I am (them being men, and me being a woman). None of my female friends are even remotely interested in lifting - they're aspiring cardio-queens, and they…
  • You ladies are officially my new heroes.
  • Here's one of the recipes I found: