September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm about 3 weeks into Stronglifts and loving it. I do have a super newbie question though - when you're writing 5x90 does that mean 5 reps @ 90 pounds or 5 sets @ 90 pounds? :blushing:

    Welcome! And yes, if someone writes 5x90 it meant 5 reps at 90 pounds. It's just "short hand" for 1x5 @ 90lbs. If I did 90 squats, even at just body weight, I'm not sure I could immediately walk away from that... I'd probably fall over! :laugh:
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Squat 107lb 5x5
    Bench 56lb 3x5 and then my spotter had to go and I struggled to get another and then I just couldn't do it. 2 then 1.
    Barbel rows 57lb 5x5
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Right, went and joined the gym and did my first stronglifts session today...
    Used the rowing machine to warm up, as I thought it would at least get my upper body muscles working,. I cycle to the gym anyhow.
    Squats - just the bar, which they said was 20kg - so 20kg 5x5
    They had some lighter barbells, so for bench press I used a 10kg barbell, so 10kg 5x5
    For the rows I used a 15kg barbell, so 15kg 5x5

    Not much yet compared to most of you, but I'll persevere. The squats were tough.

    I need to look at my technique a bit. I'm not sure how to position myself in the squat rack correctly so it can catch the bar if I fail - as I'm working out alone and there aren't many staff, I'm conscious of wanting to look out for myself, although I hope one of the others in there might rescue me if I shout for help. Little dignity in that though.
    I did bodypump regularly pre children (so a few years ago now), so I'm trying to remember what I did then, in conjunction with all the great videos people have posted here. However, I need to get out of the mindset of ' can I do loads of reps to music with this' I think I might have managed more on chest and rows if I'd grasped the reality of 5 reps, 5 times.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Yay...another day without back pain from squats!

    Squats: warm-up + 5x5 @ 85 lbs. These are starting to get a little heavy, so I'm either going to go up in only 2.5 lb. increments (if I ever get to the store to get some 1.25 lb plates) or lift at the same weight for 2 days without failing.
    OHP: warm-up + 5,4,4,4,4 @ 55 lbs. Try next time to complete 55 lbs...AGAIN!
    Deadlift: warm-up + 1x5 @ 125 lbs. I think I'm going to go up in 5 lb. increments so that I can maintain good form.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    sigh. i guess the way to look at this is that progress in terms of form improvements is still progress . . . right?

    i went back today even though i don't think i'm ready for full sl yet. i spent about an hour down on the floor, stretching and foam-rolling, and did some planks. if you get a plank right it can almost be used as your own personal form of traction, so i did quite a lot of that, front and side.

    i'm ready to go back to nothing with rows and start up all over again, i don't care what it takes. i did one-arm cable rows with really light weight, and also some holds at the closest point to my body so i could try to get better at recruiting and using the right muscles that don't tweak my back. lat machine - mostly just the first stage, of engaging the shoulder muscles and lats to set my shoulders back and down.

    and then i did go and do some squats, but only 5x5 sets with the bar. again, i'm looking to re-think my form, this time wrt back protection there's never as much info out there on how to deal with your upper back during squats as there is about lower back and the knees. i'm discouraged. off to wade through another swamp of misinformation, half-information and conflicting opinions, i guess . . .
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry

    I feel like a real 5x5-er now. :)

    Workout B / Day 16

    Squats: 5x5 @ 65 lbs.
    - Not gonna lie, these were kind of awkward. Lifting the bar on my shoulders/back had me a little off balance, and my shoulder/arm mobility meant I had to make weird centimeter-at-a-time adjustments to my grip, but whatever! I effing did them! And not even with just the bar, which is what I thought I'd do. Lots of room for improvement with form and getting lower but whatever! I effing did them. (Did I mention that I effing did them?!) I am seriously on top of the world about this.

    OHP: 5x5 @30 lbs.
    - These were amazeballs tonight. I had good form, good tempo, and they felt relatively easy until the last couple of reps in the fourth and fifth set, where I got a little arch-y. I'm pretty sure I could jump up to 35 lbs., but since the next barbell is a 40 lbs, we'll see. I think I'll start with 40 lbs. next time and if I have to move down to 30 lbs. for the last sets, so be it.

    Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 130 lbs.
    - Failed my first attempt but it was because I was in my head. Stepped away and went back to it, put my brain in my legs instead of my back, reminded myself what a friend said about these being a pushing lift vs. a pulling lift and got 'er done. I'm sure I made a real ugly face, but it was amazing. Serious adrenaline rush afterwards. Made me feel invincible.


    And while we can't reply to every post here, I just want to say that I read what you post, and it never fails -- You ladies inspire me, encourage me, and keep me going! YOU ARE ALL BADASSES! (Or should we say GOODASSES?!)

  • MissHolidayGolightly

    And while we can't reply to every post here, I just want to say that I read what you post, and it never fails -- You ladies inspire me, encourage me, and keep me going! YOU ARE ALL BADASSES! (Or should we say GOODASSES?!)


    Congratulations! That's so awesome.

    We are badasses with good *kitten* :wink:
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Last night I got 135 on squats and 90 on bench. I am still doing only 65 on row because something didn't feel right about them when I was doing them heavier (and they were bending my bad wrist weirdly). I will increase on all three next time.

    I am super excited to be able to do squats with the big plates! 90 on bench was ridiculously hard and I will probably fail next time (although it will be after my 2 day rest so that will help) but I really want to get to 100!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,517 Member
    squat 25kg 5,5,5,5,5 no problem
    overhead press 20kg 5,5,5,4,4ish... I don't get this done yet. I can do 4, need put the bar down for a second and can do the 5th rep. I wonder when the app will tell me to use a lighter weight, which really is too light for me.
    deadlift 50kg 5,5,5 no problem
    bench press 25kg 5,4,4,4,4 this was strange today. Used the bench press thingy as the bar sits on it more securely than on the rack, but I don't lie there comfortably and I need to use a different bar, which I suspect is heavier. I need to weight both bars and the disk holders anyway as I'm only guessing how heavy they are.
    barbell row 30kg 5,5,5,5,5 not completely perfect, but it helps indeed to place the weight on steps instead of on the ground.

    For such short exercises I was really shocked today to discover that I spent about 70 minutes walking the few meters to the gym, preparing everything, doing the workouts and rebuilding the weights for other exercises. That's a long time! How long do you usually need?
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Working squats back up and did 105 5x5.
    OPH is banned until further notice. Did face pulls and band pull aparts 4x25 each to help shoulder.
    Deadlifted 175 1x5. Was challenging but felt great. Took me a bit to stop sweating and now I'm hungry :tongue: Depending how my next two workouts go, I might try and do 200 on Oct. 1 which is a goal of mine.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @yirara - I don't do every exercise each day and it takes me about an hour every session. Slightly less on deadlift days since I only do one set. Which reminds me -- why 3 sets of DLs?

    @MissHoliday - Thanks for your congrats and encouragement! I really appreciate it. :) And right back at you! Awesome job on the DL! 200 lbs is impressive and I know you can get there. And you know what? If it's not until Oct. 5 or Oct. 10, we're all still going to think you're just as amazing! Don't push too hard and risk (further) injury.

    Keep killin' it out there, Lifting Ladies!

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    @ Crabada - awesome job on the squats!

    @Missholiday - my goal is to pull 200 on DLs in the near future too!

    Lifted last night though had a small child who when he should have, so spent my rests popping into the house to check on him - multi tasking at its finest!

    Squat 5x5 @138lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 77lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 66lbs

    Heading up on all of them! woop woop! Feeling it in my arms today!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies just checking in...

    Wendler week 3 OHP day warmup 1x5@32.5 and 42.5, 1x3@50
    working weight 5x62.5, 3x70 and 5x77 making 1 RM @90 (I know I have done 3x98.5 tho) using Dave Tate's method gonna see how I do with the strict stiff body for now I think.

    accessories Chin ups 2,2,1,1,1 (getting better) dips 22,16,3x14 most definately getting better...

    Deload week next week...then onto cycle two...I think we are going to do a different set of accessories tho...Dave Tate's periodization looks fun so we might try that...or the husband may want to do "Big but Boring"...who knows...

    Have a great week ladies..i will have to come back in later and get caught up on what everyone is off for a walk.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member

    Lifted last night though had a small child who when he should have, so spent my rests popping into the house to check on him - multi tasking at its finest!

    Darn kids! :laugh: I have a video in my guys room so i can watch during rests. Took him a half an hour to take his nap today but luckily he usually doesn't need us to come back in.

    So excited to lift today, i got my mojo back!

    Squat 130 5x5 felt good on form, really concentrated on posterior lifting me. Bench 80 5,5,5,4,2 I noticed my hands weren't in the right position, to close together so each set I brought them a bit further out and failed. Row 90 will repeat for form. Felt good enough for SC today. Elevated feet and shoulder one leg hip thrust 3x6, High box squat 145 3x6, One leg hyper 3x10, Hip rotation 15 each side

    I also sort of fixed my shoulder, Why didn't i do this 6 months ago.. i don't know.. I've been a massage therapist for 18 yrs, i'm stupid apparently. I shouldn't say that, its not like i didn't work on it. I just didn't grab it and basically squeeze the crap out of that muscle, I tried to with all the other muscles around it, just not THAT one. Its also hard to massage yourself. It has tightened back up again when i was working which i am guessing is what did it in the first place. But i have the next 3 days off so hopefully i will get it straightened out by monday.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats: warm up + 5@65,75,85,85
    OHP: 5@45,45,45, 55
    DL: 5@75,90,105,125

    I felt like such a badass after my deadlifts, even though I was exhausted by the end. Also, it's nearly Friday! This week felt like it was creeping along at a snails pace :laugh:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member

    Lifted last night though had a small child who when he should have, so spent my rests popping into the house to check on him - multi tasking at its finest!

    Darn kids! :laugh: I have a video in my guys room so i can watch during rests. Took him a half an hour to take his nap today but luckily he usually doesn't need us to come back in.

    haha darn kids IKR!!!

    He normally goes straight to sleep so I was like "WTF do I do?!?!" haha! Really caught off guard - turns out he was too hot so change of pjs and he was sorted :laugh:

    Glad you sorted your shoulder out - what I wouldn't do for a massage!! Occasionally i'll make hubby give me a massage but he doesn't quite 'get' all the bits I want him to.... like up around my shoulder blades.....ooooohh
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Terrible food choices for me today. Arg, just the whole day was arg. hzvdsihiofdsklhfdsjkl;fadsijfdsjklxcmn, fdsjkhweiohqwe. I think that about covers it.The good news is I got to put out a fire with a fire extinguisher, which was kind of cool (training this morning for work, nothing accidentally caught on fire).

    Squat day 3
    warm up then 140lbs x 3 160lbs x3 and 180lbs x 4
    Straightleg DL's 100lbs, glute bridges 100lbs, and burpees 5x10

    I seem to have gotten all of my frustration out and now I just want to sleep.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,517 Member
    @yirara - I don't do every exercise each day and it takes me about an hour every session. Slightly less on deadlift days since I only do one set. Which reminds me -- why 3 sets of DLs?

    Thanks. also an hour then.
    I do three sets of deadlifts as I'm still slouching towards a weight where it gets too heavy for me. And I always loved doing them. Just doing one feels so.. meh!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Glad you sorted your shoulder out - what I wouldn't do for a massage!! Occasionally i'll make hubby give me a massage but he doesn't quite 'get' all the bits I want him to.... like up around my shoulder blades.....ooooohh

    Get a lacrosse ball (or if you're REALLY adventurous, perhaps a golf ball would work. I never tried. It might be too small for the job), lay down on floor, put ball behind shoulder blade and move your arm around while you "rub it in" with the ball. I get REALLY tight around there (computer desk job!), and this has been a life saver. If you're a little wary at first, a tennis ball has a lot more give and still manages to dig into the muscle ok :)

    Today was Squats 3 day for me. Had a somewhat overly full scoop of preworkout just to get through because ugh. Sleep hasn't been showing up much this week. I'm a lil stressed out and kind of bummed. Long distance relaitonships suck :(


    Nope, wasn't going to get another 20 reps. I'm ok with that! lol

    Moved on to 8 min AMRAPS, first one of
    - burpee x3
    - assisted pull-up x 5
    - Db thruster x 5 @ 25lbs each

    and managed 6 rounds and 3 burpees

    - KB sumo deadlift high pull x 4 + 2 per round
    - push-up x 2 + 2 per round
    and went up to 16/14 and then did 11 deadlifts before time was up. KB was 20KG (which is about 45lbs)

    Was running out of steam by the 6.5 min mark or so and only added a round on each from the 6 min AMRAP from last week. Granted I did increase the weight, but I think I should stick for an all out 6 min instead of a grindy 8 min next time around.

    and finished with 40yd shuttle sprints and those were lame. Lol. Ah well. Not sure how I'll deal with the rest of the week, since I had an extra rest day and I CANNOT plan ANY workout on the day after soccer. So I might just go 4 days unbroken but shift the deadlifts to Monday and do snatches on Sunday. *deep breath* I can do this.
  • nassaugyal
    nassaugyal Posts: 32 Member
    My heroes! I'm telling you, you ladies are really an inspiration. Squatted 85lbs today and it was awesomely difficult. I was so close to quitting but I didn't! Afterwards though, I thought, "Okay, there's no f-ing way I'll be able to do 90 next time" and then I see the numbers that you all are racking and I get motivated.

    Has anyone been where I am? Feeling like there's no way you'll ever get to over 100lbs?