September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    my workout assignment for the day: finger crossing. i just did one of those casual back stretch/arch things and i THINK i may have put my kinked vertebra back where it's meant to be.

    maybe. i'll behave for today.

    i meant to say though: for the pushup heroes - i was just down on the floor anyway doing my planks for today, and i got inspired by you guys. four pushups, no knees involved.

    never have i ever been a pushup person, so i'll take it. thanks for the inspiration.
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    Squats: Had to deload on squats for form, but I'm back up to 70 lbs. now and with much better form!
    Deadlift: Bodyweight deadlift FTW!
    Row: Stuck at 50 lbs.
    OHP: Failed the last time I tried 50 lbs., but I can do 45 with no problem.
    Bench: Failed 3 times with 60 lbs., so the app is forcing me to deload down to 50.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Switched things up a bit today and did my workout in the morning. The gym itself is much more pleasant -- less peeps, slightly less mess -- but four hours into my day and I'm feeling seriously wiped. Also want to eat the whole box of Cheerios.

    Workout B / Day 14

    Incline leg press: 5x450 lbs
    - Did a handful of warmup sets, adding 90 lbs. until I got to my working weight. 450 was pretty darn hard, but it felt awesome to finish them. Not sure if I'll add any more weight to this or stay here. I don't want to be so tired after leg press that I can't do barbell rows or deadlifts (see below).
    - And really, really wishing I was capable of squats. :(

    Overhead press: 5x30 lbs.
    - Easier today for sure. Form was better, partially due to a slightly narrower grip. I experimented and could see a huge difference with grip change. Since this isn't a barbell with removable plates, and there isn't a 35 lb barbell, I'll stay here a bit longer and then move up to 40 lbs. Given my shoulder mobility issues and a pretty big strength discrepancy between my right and left (left is much weaker), I'm OK with that.

    Deadlifts: ZERO :(
    - Actually that's not completely true. I did a warmup set of 5x65 lbs. But once we loaded the weight -- I was supposed to do 130 lbs. -- and I saw that it was only 5 lbs. away from the big girl plates, I figured what the hell. We unloaded the bar, threw on two 45s and.... BIG FAT NOTHING. I couldn't stand up. The first handful of attempts I probably got six to nine inches off the ground, but I couldn't get to the moment where my back starts to straighten. I unloaded the bar again and tried 130 -- Nada. I had to do the math about nine times before I believed I hadn't accidentally put more than 135 lbs. on the bar, because damned if it didn't feel heavier than the two 45s! I unloaded another ten lbs, and probably moved the bar an inch. (This is sadly *not* an exaggeration.) That's when I called it a day.

    Of course I'm bummed, but I'm definitely not beating myself up. I know that the switch to AM, the immense leg presses, and perhaps pushing a little too far with the weight increase on DLs -- which ended up mentally freaking me out a bit, honestly -- all contributed to this fail. I'll go back to 130 next time and we'll see what's what.

    Plus, I was drenched by the end of it -- attempt does not equal no effort.

    Looking forward to hearing about how you all crushed it today!
    :) Courtney
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Workout A again today.

    Squat: 115lbs 5x5, moving up to 120 lbs next week

    Row: 75 lbs 5x5. I hate rows, I'm usually tired by the time I get to them, and I'm not thrilled with my ROM, so I'm going to work on those a bit. I do accessory work for these (one arm rows, lat pulldowns, horizontal row, or assisted pull-ups) anyway so if the weight doesn't increase each session I really don't care.

    And now for the exciting part….

    Bench: 85 lbs 5x5. No dropping the bar on myself. Had a guy spot me first set, but did the rest on my own. Staying at this weight next session, my 4th and 5th reps are not as pretty as I would like, so I want to nail the full ROM before moving up to 90 lbs.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Deadlifts: ZERO :(
    - Actually that's not completely true. I did a warmup set of 5x65 lbs.

    this is an interesting result, because it's what happened to me with deadlifts on the day i started the whole thing with 8x8 squats, and i think it was 7x7 ohp day as well. i wasn't expecting it because i wouldn't have said that i felt that fatigued. but as soon as i went for the first deadlift pull, it was clear that my body was just done picking up stuff for that day. after the few that i did manage, i could tell it wasn't going to come off the floor any more whatever i did.

    to me it was an interesting object lesson in how yes, there actually is CNS demand and a finite amount of resources per day. it's not like cardio, where you can pretty much go back and keep doing separate workouts all day long if you like, just so long as you give it a bit of a rest in between. with lifting, it's like when the tank's empty there aren't even fumes.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats: 5@55,70,85,100, 3@110, 8@80
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,50, 3@60, 8@50
    Rows: 5@45,45,50,60, 3@70, 8@60

    I'm super tired now, but I feel good. I like not having to increase the weight as often and I'm feeling stronger. Win!

    Have a wonderful Friday and weekend ladies! :drinker:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Last lift of the week, two days off now.

    On Saturdays I lift in the morning and now I'm wiped out and need a nap! Usually I lift after my child is asleep at night.

    Squat 5x5 @ 132lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 77lbs - will stay here next time tho. Man I love bench!
    Row 5x5 @ 72lbs

    Nap time lol
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Today feels off.

    Squats 100 lb 5, 4, 5, 4, 4

    Bench 70 lb 5, 4, 4, 3, 2. This one suffered because I had a toddler try to climb me. I like to think I could have gotten 4 reps each set, at least.

    Rows 70 lb 5, 4, 4, 5, 4.

    I just got a new bar. Today was my first day with it, and it is a foot longer, so I guess that could have threw me off some, due to balancing.

    Here's to hoping my next workout will be better.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Shoulders! Shoulders on fire!


    EMOTM x8 of 3 rounds of complex (switch arm ever minute) KB @ 30lbs
    - KB power snatch
    - kb push press
    - kb thruster

    AMRAP in 6 minutes of
    - Push-ups x 5
    - cossack squats x 5

    managed 10 rounds and 5 push-ups :)

    Then Death by KB swing. Every minute perform 10 reps + 2 per minute until unable to perform reps in the minute. I did 11 minute and got up to 30. KB was 40lbs. I shoulda gone heavier. Technically, I should've tried for 32, I was still within time, but my butt was on fuego!

    Finished up with some DB flyes and presses but that was pretty rubbish as my shoulders limited everything xD I hope I can recover enough for the deadlifts tomorrow! Ha!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Squats: Warm-up + 75#x5 - Really trying to work on making sure form is right. Felt okay, but I do think I was uneven on 1 or 2 reps and felt it in my back some.
    OHP: Warm-up + 60# = fail! Could barely do 1 without arching my back. Backed it down to 55# and still wasn't able to complete 5x5 while keeping good form (3, 4, 4, 4 and 3), but definitely better form.
    DL: Warm-up + 125#. Pretty heavy for me, so I'll either stay at this weight next time or only go up 5# instead of 10#.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Day 14
    Squat 100lb 5x5 first time I've hit triple figures
    OHP 46lb 5x5 for the first time.
    DLR 145lb x4 I took a breath and went for the fifth but just knew it wasn't happening.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Day 1 of Madcow
    Squats - 5@90, 5@110, 5@132.5, 5@155, 5@177.5
    Bench - 5@45, 5@57.5, 5@67.5, 5@80, 5@90
    Bent Over Rows - 5@45, 5@55, 5@65, 5@77.5, 5@87.5

    Standing donkey kicks 3x15 @ red+orange resistance bands
    Upright rows 3x8 @ 70lbs
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Deadlift 5 day! Was still rather sore from yesterday (50 side lunges and like... 220 KB swings'll do that to you...) but I hammered this one out like... woah.

    Started with an explosive "primer" of 3 mins of 2 vertical jumps ever 20s

    142.5x20 - after which I proceeded to rack the bar, and then fell to my bum and could not get up for 2-3 minutes haha!

    Went in a 3 round strength circuit (so not for time) of
    -1 arm DB push press x5,
    - front rack squat x 10,
    - bent-over row x 10
    @ 35lbs

    did another every 20s for 3 mins setup, this one of KB sumo deadlift pop squats (so a deadlift to a bit of a hip hinge to catch the KB in a goblet squat position). Glutes were on fire! I barely made it through!

    FInished up with a similar setup to the Death by KB swings of yesterday, but this one was by burpees. Managed 6, 8, 10, 10.

    Phew! There will be protein pancakes for lunch! =D
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Today was my preggo lift B day. Everything felt heavy, so I deloaded a bit more. Workout itself went well after I lightened things up.
    DL 85 3x10
    OHP 45 3x10
    Then, inspired by something I read yesterday (thanks krokador), I used a 20 lb kettlebell and did 2rounds of: 20 swings, 10 one-armed upright row each arm, 10 goblet squats.
    60 second plank hold to wrap it up.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! for much needed ravioli!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies...week 2 of Wendlers for me and Bench day...

    Warmup went like this...52.5, 67.5 @5 and 80@3...working weights 92.5, 105 and 120 @ 3 putting my 1RM for bench at 134...

    Acc work chinups...all 5sets @1 and pushups 20.15.3x10...

    Short rest periods as well...between sets for bench 90secs and between access 45secs...
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Workout B for me tonight:

    squats - 7,7,4 at 130 pounds. Not sure what happened on that last set, it was really more of a mental failure than a physical one. Setup felt off so I quit there instead of trying to push out 3 more reps.
    OHP - 3,4,4 at 80 pounds...another epic fail.
    DL - 1x5 at 175 pounds. Piece o' cake, moving on up next time.

    Didn't do any sprint intervals after this cuz I was tired. Spent all weekend doing my spring, blinds, moving furniture, scrubbing floors by hand...more than a few months late, or really early depending on your perspective!! Then I threw some meat on the grill for dinner, it's protein time!

    Have a great week everybody, keep up the great work!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,481 Member
    22.5kg squat: no problem
    20kg overhead press: almost there
    45kg deadlift: no problem
    22.5kg bench press: no big problem
    32.5kg barbell row: hmm.. technique isn't quite there yet. back to something lower next time.

    I got a big scare today doing bench presses. I thought: what if I don't place the barbell back decently and it falls on my face O.o Am I the only one with that thought? I can't use the safety bars on the sides of the rack as I can't get the barbell all the way down then (they're stuck anyway at the moment and don't move). Aren't you scared?
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Had my first fail today! On bench press, but I had a spotter, so I can't help you, yirara (sorry!)

    As I suspected in my September Goals, I failed at 95#. I got 5, 5, 5, 3, 4.

    Will try again on Friday at 95#. One thing I need to focus on is when it gets too heavy and I can't lift it anymore, I need to stomp my feet DOWN. Both rounds when I failed and need help getting it up, I noticed I had my knee way in the air. Not sure what that's all about...
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Day 14
    Squat 100lb 5x5 first time I've hit triple figures
    OHP 46lb 5x5 for the first time.
    DLR 145lb x4 I took a breath and went for the fifth but just knew it wasn't happening.

    Congrats! That's great work! :)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A (Day 15)

    I had my workout this AM -- wasn't as hard as Friday -- but will go back to evenings as of Wednesday.

    Incline Leg Press - 5x5 @ 450 lbs.
    - These were still pretty darn hard. Glad to stay at the same weight for an extra day rather than going up 5 lbs. I'm sure I could have done it, but it's not like I feel like I'm slacking in this department.

    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - So much better than last time, but still not easy. I think if I go up to 75 lbs. next time, I'll likely fail the reps. Am hoping my set of 1.75 lb. fractional plates will arrive by Friday and then I can increase in 2.5 lb. increments from here on out.
    - Also tried incline bench press (5 reps with just the bar), just to see what it was like. May incorporate these as my warm-ups for BP and OHP since it seems to work the deltoid, pectoralis minor, and teres minor in ways that could very well improve my range of motion.

    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 90 lbs.
    - HEAVY. Again, not sure I'll be able to go up another 5 lbs. next time. Good form today -- stayed low with my back straight. Didn't bounce or use momentum to get the bar up.

    But the BEST news is that I think I'm going to be able to do proper squats for the first on Wednesday. This is HUGE for me. Yes, my arms are going to be rather close to my head -- I'll probably look like a T-Rex -- but it's the only way I can (semi-)comfortably hold the bar behind me right now. As my range of motion improves, I'll widen my grip. I just feel like I'm not getting all of the benefits of this program since I can't do the *main* exercise. Hopefully I'll actually be able to do the full 5x5! Wish me luck!

    :) C.