September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout B today:

    I repeated weights on all lifts today, and good thing I did!

    Squats: 115 lbs 5x5 (this was much harder today than the same weight last Friday - don't know why)
    OHP: 55 lbs 5x4 (I could NOT get that last rep up - ugh!)
    Deadlift: 95 lbs 2x5 (failing on OHP made me want to get an extra set in here)

    I'll probably stick with 115 lb squats again next time (planned for Friday).

    I have some days when the weight seems good, then one pound more seems like fifty. I think our bodies are just different day to day, how tired we are, what we ate, etc.

    You are so right about that! In fact, I deloaded a bit today on squats down to 105 because I did a long run yesterday morning and my legs needed a bit of a break.

    Workout A:
    Squats: 5x5 105 lbs. I probably could have stuck with 115 though.
    Bench 3x5, 2x4 65 lbs. Last 2 sets couldn't get #5 up there. Roll of shame, ugh!
    Rows 5x5 65 lbs. Felt OK, but will probably stay here for at least one more session.

    Accessory work:
    Triceps extension
    Lat raises
    Hip Thrusters
    Heel raises
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member

    I FINALLY did my OHP @ 95 pounds 5x5. Triple digit OHP here I come! I have a competition in November that includes presses for time. Really wanting to work up to 105 5x5 by then :D

    Squats 205 5x5. I stayed the same weight because I ran an hour before lifting. I usually space that out a little bit better. In any case, only one rep was a little iffy so thats good.

    Deadlift 255 1x5

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    TGIF! This was a rough week for me, and I'm so glad it's over now. Finished it off with a good workout.

    Squats: warm up + 5@55,70,80,95, 3@110, 8@80
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,50, 3@60, 8@50
    Row: 5@45,45,50,60 3@70, 8@60

    My arms feel like jello writing this out haha :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...Bench day for me

    52.5, 67.5 both x5 and 80x3 for warmup sets
    working sets were 85, 100, 112.5

    Extra work

    Chinups 2,1,1,1,1 and push ups (not on my knees) 20, 15, 10,10,10

    still gimping around from the leg lifts and curls...surprises me but I think it has more to do with my quads being tight (have been for a while) and needing a good roll...did a "little" one today but gonna have to really work it out tomorrow.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member

    I FINALLY did my OHP @ 95 pounds 5x5. Triple digit OHP here I come!

    all RIGHT!! it's so great when perseverance finally pays off.

    me on this day . . . i went to a job interview. then i came home and slept for a while.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Holy **** I'm impressed by you ladies and your lifts!! This week was my first week back at it from a flu related break. Feeling good and strong! Feel like my form is better each time I deload.

    Squat 5x5 @ 57.5kgs
    OHP 5x5 @ 25kgs
    DL 1x5 @ 65 kgs

    So still lower than i was but I'm coming back up! Couldn't be bothered converting to lbs so just imagine 2.2 x the above weights to get the pound equivalent!

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have had a nasty cold all freaking week. I did DL day on Monday and then absolutely nothing until tonight. I have also eaten anything that has come within a 5 ft radius of me... I am holding off weighing until Monday, just to let any water weight settle itself out.

    Anyway tonight I did both OHP and squats. I will do Bench day tomorrow. It isn't ideal but it is just deload week.

    OHP warm up then 30 lbs x 5, 40 lbs x 5 and 45 lbs x 10

    Squat warm up then 75 lbs x 5, 95 lbs x 5, 115 lbs x5

    No accessories because I r tired and lazy!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Workout A (Day 11)

    Squats - Still a no-go with my shoulder / arm issues. Did more incline leg press -- but really wish I could do the real thing!
    5x5 @ 350 lbs

    Bench Press - Egads! Fail fail fail fail. I kind of expected it given last time was pretty darn hard. Will try this weight again on Wednesday.
    1x5, 1x1, 2x3, 1x2 @ 70 lbs. (that's sets X reps -- not sure what the heck happened on the second set!)

    Barbell Row -- Did a few warm up sets to get my form right. Just like with DL, found this immensely helpful.
    5x5 @ 80 lbs.

    Also got my first comment from a stranger tonight. Some dude was apparently looking at what I was doing with the barbell row and my trainer/friend said something along the lines of "She's getting there." Then the other dude said, "Everyone's got to start somewhere." It wasn't a slam, but it wasn't exactly a compliment either. Meh. Whatever.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    It wasn't a slam, but it wasn't exactly a compliment either. Meh. Whatever.

    ah, that sucks. i don't care if it is over-sensitive or whatever, i'd be bothered by that. who *asks* these morphodites for their opinions? i hate being talked about past my own face in the third person too . . . guys who do that to me in the workplace get bitten. it's like manners is something they've never heard of.

    this ancient little man recognised me one day on the stairs while i was leaving the gym. he clearly knew me because he asked what i was deadlifting by now, and i knew i'd seen him around too, so i told him. 'pretty good' sez he. 'for someone your size'. he honestly meant it in the most sincere kind of spirit, but dude, ima go back there some day and i'll deadlift HIM. and that's one time i won't be careful to put it down quietly either.

    anyway. just logged in to report i've been wasting my friday watching omar isuf on youtube, and i saw his bro-magnon alter ego character wearing a shirt that says 'i curl in the squat rack'.

    i never buy 'merchandise' from anyone, but i WANT that shirt.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    squats: 3x5@45, 1x5@50, 8x8x70. got more tired, but stronger as well, as it went on. weird. still tweaking form throughout the whole thing.
    ohp: big fail. no rack. 4x5@30, 1x5@35, then only 1x5@50. the rest were all 1x3, 1x4, no more 5 sets. a few of them were really pretty ugly too. i'll try it again next time when i'm not squatting 8x8 on the same day. also and at-least: i could get 50lb up from the floor without too much trouble, per set. that's progress, i'm pretty sure.
    deadlift: 1x5@120. heavy, but doable. i don't trust my core. need some form cleanup and some accessory work before i go any further with this.

    couple of planks for however long 10 very slow breaths was, some *very slow* deficit assisted pullups with 55lbs assist, some bw glute bridges just because my bum has gone numb recently . . . and done

    i may start breaking up these 8x8 days into two circuits: 5x8, then go back and do the leftover sets after completing the rest of my lifts. didn't do it today and not sorry, since i got a lucky window before the rack got mobbed by the late crowd.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Day 11.

    Squat 5x5 at 84.5lb
    Bench press nearly 3x5 at 50.5lb (failed on the fifth, spotter said it caught on the rack) and 2x5 at 40.5lb
    Barbell rows 5 at 68lb
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    SL Day 11 (Saturday 9/13):
    Squat - warm up + 65 lbs. Fail on the 5th set; hip flexors hurting since last week and range of motion stiff. Getting to parallel but not below like I had been. Think I need more stretching and/or cardio beforehand to warm up muscles. Will stay at 65 lbs. next time to make sure form is good.
    Bench press - 65 lbs. @ 5x5
    Barbell row - 75 lbs. @ 5x5 - Starting to get heavy.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member

    Squats 90lb 5x5
    Bench. 70 lb failed on some reps. Repeating 70 next time.
    Row 70 lb failed on the third and fifth sets, repeating 70 next time.
    Hip thrust 65lb 3x12.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Did not report my squats because I was a good bit down on myself on Friday... I'm struggling with that mojo right now and I'm not too sure what it is but I get frustrated more than anything. I might've come to expect more out of myself than I really should. Set those expectations too high and you're bound to get burned, right?

    Today was OHP 5/3/1 and I kinda had a big *sigh* moment during my + set too. Had set myself a target of 6, thought I could do it, but rep got stuck, I tried to grind it out for what felt like FOREVER but it never got up. I considered hinging at the hips and finishing it at least push press style, but by the time I got there I had nothing left in the tank xD


    I haven't been feeling like I get enough volume in, so I'ma start adding in the First set last variant. You go back to the first working set weight (well, I was lazy in the plate switching here lol) and knock out another AMRAP set.

    Then moved on to pendlay rows @ 110 and got 5/5/4/5/4 but a LOT of those reps were forced/using momentum. Was supersetting with wall walk-ups but my shoulders were already shot so I didn,t get many xD

    Then went on to do this shiny lil grinder: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 reps of each
    - Sumo deadlift @ 135lbs
    - Push press @ 75lbs
    - OH Squat @ 65lbs

    For time (16:40 I think is what I got?)
    I only broke up sets on the push press, which would figure because my shoulders were already quite tired. That was actually kinda fun! (I had 2 bars, one on the ground and one on the rack lol)

    And decided to stop on the machine incline press to get some pec work in, now thinking maybe some triceps would've been nice to hit too though. Ah well. I'm going back in tomorrow ;)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies

    Squat day for me today....

    Warm ups went like this...75x5, 95x5, 115x3
    Working weights...122.5, 142.5 and 162.5 all x5...still doing high bar that last set was tough...rep 3-5 reverted to low bar

    Acc work situps and pistol squats...

    situps 12,6,6,12,12
    pistol squats 3 sets for each leg all @8...had to push my right leg tho (injured a year ago) and I think that plus I am left handed has made my left leg a bit stronger with more endurance as I could have done more on that side but didn't want to further the imbalance...

    Now for 3 days off to account for DH's schedule (he is working the next two nights)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Workout A (Sun)

    Overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 140

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 100

    Bench Press - 5 x 2 - 100

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 105

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 165

    squats 5 X 5 - 200

    Flat Dumbbell Flys - 10 x 5 - 40
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Today was first lifting since I was given Obgyn orders of no more SLs-does not want me focusing on strength gains or pushing weight that I can only do for 5 reps. Wants me to work on my endurance. For now, Dr prefers me to work in the 10-12 rep range. Later on, as I get bigger, if I'm still able to lift, Dr prefers the 15 rep range. We devised a 3/wk "preggo lift" schedule, based around compound lifts that I have been doing with SLs, and adding in very minor accessories that will help prepare for birth. I love the fact that my Dr is a woman, a lifter, and also a mother. I'm having my 2nd at 37. She had her first in her late 30s, so I really trust her and will be following her advice.

    Anyway, today was Preggo Lift A
    Squat 95lbs, 3x10
    Bench 75lbs, 3x10
    Row 75 lbs, 3x10
    Accesory was laying pelvic thrust. (Basically a glute bridge w/o weights) 2x20
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Today was first lifting since I was given Obgyn orders of no more SLs-does not want me focusing on strength gains or pushing weight that I can only do for 5 reps. Wants me to work on my endurance. For now, Dr prefers me to work in the 10-12 rep range. Later on, as I get bigger, if I'm still able to lift, Dr prefers the 15 rep range. We devised a 3/wk "preggo lift" schedule, based around compound lifts that I have been doing with SLs, and adding in very minor accessories that will help prepare for birth. I love the fact that my Dr is a woman, a lifter, and also a mother. I'm having my 2nd at 37. She had her first in her late 30s, so I really trust her and will be following her advice.

    Anyway, today was Preggo Lift A
    Squat 95lbs, 3x10
    Bench 75lbs, 3x10
    Row 75 lbs, 3x10
    Accesory was laying pelvic thrust. (Basically a glute bridge w/o weights) 2x20

    How great that she is on board with the lifting!! :happy:

    B day
    squat 135 5x5 was thinking about doing just 3x5 but once i got going felt good. Grunted more on the last 2 reps of set 5 but over all very happy.
    OHP 60 4,5,4,4,5 2nd attempt at this weight. I know I will get it next time. Shoulder was giving issues the last few days but usually when i reach behind me, like into the back seat of van.
    DL :happy: 160 1x5 YEAH!!

    SC DL 120 3x8
    Hip thrust 75 3x20 and called it good for today.
    Loving the gains I am making when eating at tdee!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    It is cool you are still lifting and pregnant, talk about dedication!
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    We'll see how dedicated I remain as I get bigger! Hopefully I won't feel too awful. I am already envious of everyone's lifts. I find it so empowering to see so many women lifting heavy.