September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    So last Thursday should have been workout B for me but I was out of town for work and figured at least I could hit the treadmill at the hotel.
    When I got there, they had a bench, barbells ups to 35lbs and a universal cable machine, so I did shoulder press, chest press and some awesome tricep work + 20 min on the treadmill.

    Saturday I did Workout B (day 16)
    I am back to weighted squats, OK per doc
    Warmup + 5x5 @ 80
    OHP 1x5@ 45, 2x5@55, 3x5@50
    DL 1x1 @ 155, 1x5@ 145

    155 DL are going to be the death of me! This is the second time I have attempted and failed.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...

    Week 2 of Wendler Squat day

    warmups @ 75,95x5 and 115x3
    working weights 132.5x3, 152.5x3 and 170x5 putting my 1 RM @198...(low bar)
    Accessory work situps...20,10,7,5,5 (45sec breaks) and pistol squats (right leg/left leg) 10/15, 12/15, 12/16...again left leg stronger....

    the husband worked out earlier in the day as he is working night shift and he had to go in early due to it's voting day here...he needed to cover the day shift...oh well 2 extra hours.

    We are both liking Wendlers and looking foward to the 2nd cycle...we are going to see if we can compromise on the weights or if he will be higher so I will start with my another set and then he can start at that higher weight...time will tell.

    @crabada have you tried front squats?
    @lara try watching this video, it helped me a lot or the so you think you can bench series on youtube
    @Yiara yah it can be scary, I've pinched my hands bad getting it back in...the advice I always got was "learn how to fail" if you think you can't get it back up in the cradle "roll of shame"'s not pretty but better than a cracked face.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    SL 5x5:
    Squats: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 80 lbs. The last few times I've had back pain on one side that I felt came on while doing squats, so I made sure to do some extra stretching including back and hip stretches. pain with squats today at all! Really working on form is helping too.
    Bench: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 75 lbs.
    Barbell Rows: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 80 lbs. Decided to stay at the 80 lbs. again to work on form and to make sure I'm not using momentum to get the bar up to the chest.

    Extra work: Trying to push myself to be able to do more push-ups (and not the girlie kind like I had been doing!). My boxing class instructor has been killing us with push-ups lately. :frown:
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member

    Squats 100lb, 5x5!! One of my September goals.

    OHP 60 lb 1x2, 50 lb, 5x5, had to go down on this one. I started with 60 lb and could only lift it twice. No idea why I was so weak when I was doing 60 on this previously.

    Deadlifts 110 lb, 1x5. Very rough on the last rep but I got it!

    Hip thrusts 65 lb. 1x10. Had to quit here because the toddler was climbing me.

    Today was a rough workout, mentally and emotionally. When I decided to start using heavy weights, DH and I agreed to purchase my equipment instead of going to the gym, with the agreement that he would help with the kids. And that doesn't always happen now. Emotionally, I am feeling pretty weak right now. Mentally, I am stressed from having to deal with the kids arguing and fussin and screaming during what is supposed to be "my" time. Seriously, is 1 hour, 3 times a week too much to ask?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Deadlift 3 week
    Warmup 155lbs X 3 175lbs X 3 200 lbs X 4 quite happy with that.

    Circuit style accessories front squat 65lbs, calf raises 115 lbs, side bends 25lbs, dumbell ax swings 25lbs.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout A today (Day 17)
    Squats - 0 Apparently going from none for two weeks to 80 lbs did something because my legs are still sore from Sunday!
    Bench - Warm up + 4/5/5/4/4 @ 70lbs
    Row - 5x5 @ 80lbs

    Then I added accessory
    bicep curl 3x10 @ 30lbs
    one arm tricep extention 3x8 @ 10lbs (And I have learned my left side is stronger)
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member

    Totally failed on the last set of OHP yesterday, even with 3 minutes of rest after the previous set. I just started week 4. Shoulders have always been my weak point, but it just makes me sad because I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to failure on any of the other lifts. By the third set of OHP I was curving my back in something awful, and it actually started to hurt, so I obviously need to repeat the weight, but still.

    Squat - 125# (yesterday)
    OHP - 65#
    DL - 135#
    Bench 85# (later today)
    Rows 90# (later today)

    My squats are getting difficult, too. I've been working on form and going as low as I can (ALMOST atg, definitely below parallel), and those extra 2 or 3 inches make it so much harder to get out of the hole. My form overall is significantly better than it used to be, though, which I'm pretty stoked about.

    I also started trying Krokador's burpee/KB swing ladder :smile: I think it took me like 10 or 15 minutes using a 25# kb, lol, and I definitely hurt the next day. I'm going to make my sister try it today :happy:
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Took a week off for the shoulder pain I was experiencing. Last Tuesday, I deloaded squats to 115 from 125 then only did three sets because it was aggravating my shoulder so this week I deloaded further to 100. Completed them with no issue so will continue gradually adding again.

    5x5 @70 for both rows and bench. Felt fine during. Shoulder is a tad sore though. I think the rowing motion sets it off but not bench. OHP was also bothering it. I am considering dropping OHP and rows for a while and adding in some accessory lifts...

    I hate injuries! It's always something.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted last night

    Squat 5x5 @ 138lbs
    OHP 4x5 1x4 @ 66 lbs - meh could not get it up.....*giggity*
    Deadlift 1x5 @154lbs

    Now to eat all the fooooooooodz
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Took a week off for the shoulder pain I was experiencing. Last Tuesday, I deloaded squats to 115 from 125 then only did three sets because it was aggravating my shoulder so this week I deloaded further to 100. Completed them with no issue so will continue gradually adding again.

    5x5 @70 for both rows and bench. Felt fine during. Shoulder is a tad sore though. I think the rowing motion sets it off but not bench. OHP was also bothering it. I am considering dropping OHP and rows for a while and adding in some accessory lifts...

    I hate injuries! It's always something.

    Sorry to hear about your injury MissHoliday :sad:

    You're right, it is always something, but working on weaknesses and deloading, changing it up etc. I find that's what keeps me interested in lifting - there is always something to work on :drinker:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I hate injuries! It's always something.

    researching all over the interwebz for information about mid-back muscle imbalance . . . i hear you.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was feeling really tired yesterday, so I moved my workout to today. Madcow week 5.

    Squats: warm up + 5@55,70,85,100,110 (the last set felt so much heavier for some reason)
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,50,60
    Row: 5@45,45,50,60,70

    I need to clean up my eating. I could kind of feel how it made my lifts suffer a bit today.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Today was a rough workout, mentally and emotionally. When I decided to start using heavy weights, DH and I agreed to purchase my equipment instead of going to the gym, with the agreement that he would help with the kids. And that doesn't always happen now. Emotionally, I am feeling pretty weak right now. Mentally, I am stressed from having to deal with the kids arguing and fussin and screaming during what is supposed to be "my" time. Seriously, is 1 hour, 3 times a week too much to ask?

    Im sorry he is not helping.. Have you gently reminded him that it is your time? Does he take time for himself? Maybe you need to let the kids wander his way when its his time. I had to do that to my husband once. lol Now i just workout when my lil one naps, I did do it before everyone got up but then i had to be up so early to get everything in before he got up. Hope you get it worked out.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Ohp 3 day.
    Warmup then 50lbs x3 60lbs x3 65lbs x4

    Barbell rows 60lbs, assisted dips, inclined pushups. 5 sets of 10 reps.

    Also did 4km slow run at lunch, I have finally managed to find my pace for a recovery run that I don't have to take walking breaks. It's slow (8 min km) but steady.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Thanks for the support. Hope you can figure out your back issue, canadianlbs.

    I found some exercises for shoulder pain such as band pull aparts, "dislocators", and face pulls. Going to try these with high reps, low resistance and stop rows and OHP. I'm putting off going to doctor because I don't want to get told to, "stop lifting, take ibuprophen." If it's still bothering me after not doing the aggravating lifts, I'll go.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    High fives and hugs to everyone that needs them! Hang in there ladies; progress is progress even if you fail on the way there.

    Day 2 Madcow
    Squats - 5x90, 5x110, 2x5 @132.5

    OHP - 5x45, 5x55, 5x62.5, 5x72.5

    DL - 5x110, 5x132.5, 5x152.5, 5x175

    My accessories were walking the dog lol. Didn't have time to do more lifting before I had to take the dog out, then get home shower and get my butt to the office.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    You know what I realized recently? My skullcrusher-induced wrist injury is FINALLY fully healed! It's been for a while, actually. It had been such a pain and bother that once it went away I completely forgot about it! lol. Also, right knee has been doing better. I was able to play soccer and it's not giving me grief, so that's a plus too. Dem injuries. Now i just have to be careful with that pinky, and wear shin guards next time/if I ever do box jumps again. There's a really tender spot at the front of my ankle from my last failed attempt. I think enough is enough >_>

    In other news, today's workout wasn't the best, but it wasn't a wash.

    Bench Press 3

    Was shooting for 9 reps on that + set but didn't want to risk getting stuck since I'm pretty tired. Also had to use the "other" bench. The one I really don't like because the uprights are at a very odd distance vs my arm length so setup was a b***. All of that because some guy was doing quarter reps with 175 on the bar and alternating between the flat, incline and decline bench (he did not touch his chest with the bar once. Heck, I'm not sure he made it past 3 inches down and up... Guy must be a peach to have sex with! xD >_> Um, yeah. Moving on.

    Did that circuit from last week again - Goblet Squat, push-ups, trx rows, DB RDLs and plank x 3 rounds, but this time with a 40/20 work/rest ratio. Definitely took it out of me (and holding 2 40 pounders for 40s is serious grip work!)

    And finished up with 6 rounds of sitouts and hollow rocks tabatas. Not sure I even reached the rep count from last week's 4 rounds, but hey, I tried!

    No additional accessory work because I got up late today haha. Happy I went. Will be even happier when I get to bed tonight!
  • AMW47
    AMW47 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm about 3 weeks into Stronglifts and loving it. I do have a super newbie question though - when you're writing 5x90 does that mean 5 reps @ 90 pounds or 5 sets @ 90 pounds? :blushing:

    Here's my workout for today:
    Squats: @55 (I'm impressed with myself considering I started with just body weight squats and found those to be incredibly difficult. It's awesome how fast I'm seeing progress on this.)
    OHP: @45 I honestly don't know if I can add 5 pounds next time. These were HARD.
    Deadlift: @110

    I've usually been running for 30 minutes after I lift and I tried that this morning and found that I just didn't have enough gas in the tank for a full 30 minutes. Had to stop after 20. Probably a combo of my weights increasing and working out in the morning (which is not usual).
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Hi everyone! I'm about 3 weeks into Stronglifts and loving it. I do have a super newbie question though - when you're writing 5x90 does that mean 5 reps @ 90 pounds or 5 sets @ 90 pounds? :blushing:

    Here's my workout for today:
    Squats: @55 (I'm impressed with myself considering I started with just body weight squats and found those to be incredibly difficult. It's awesome how fast I'm seeing progress on this.)
    OHP: @45 I honestly don't know if I can add 5 pounds next time. These were HARD.
    Deadlift: @110

    I've usually been running for 30 minutes after I lift and I tried that this morning and found that I just didn't have enough gas in the tank for a full 30 minutes. Had to stop after 20. Probably a combo of my weights increasing and working out in the morning (which is not usual).

    Also keep in mind that deadlifting can take it out of you.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm about 3 weeks into Stronglifts and loving it. I do have a super newbie question though - when you're writing 5x90 does that mean 5 reps @ 90 pounds or 5 sets @ 90 pounds? :blushing:

    I believe that if you are only doing one set you write weight x reps but if you are doing multiple sets you write Weight sets x reps (that's how I do it)

    So one set of 5 reps, at 45 lbs would be 45lbs x 5.
    And 3 sets of 5 reps at 45 lbs would be 45lbs 5x5