

  • Hi jadesign19. Sorry, I wasn't trying to say Whey Protein is bad, its not. But if you need a high protein/low carb drink then Whey Isolate is much better, as normal Whey Protein has much more lactose and sugar chemically attached to it than Whey Isolate. Exert from "The primary difference between whey…
  • Hi. I use USN Pure Protein IGF-1. 40g of protein (made of 5 different types of protein that are all released at differing speeds so that the muscle keeps recovering long after you drink it) but only 1.2g of sugar. Its also got a whole mix of important vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, etc that benefit recovery and general…
  • Interesting research from a group of psychologists at Princeton: "Abstract [Avena, N.M., Rada, P., Hoebel B.G., 2007. Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews XX(X), XXX-XXX]. The experimental question is whether or…
  • Sounds delicious, will defo give the pancakes a whirl. Yeah, I'm in the UK so I watched the BBC programme last week. Its sort of summarising a lot of the stuff I've been reading for the last couple of months. There are a lot of good lectures by some of the people featured on the show to be found on the internet (Gary…
  • May not be the answer you want to hear, but the only real way is to avoid processed foods and cook from scratch. If everything is made up from the basic ingredients without anyone adding things to make it last longer, make it cheaper, colour it, enhance its flavour, etc then it is will be a whole lot better for your body…
  • I was definitely a serious sugar addict until about 6 weeks ago. I ate loads of stuff that I wasn't even aware had high levels of sugar in (e.g. breakfast cereals that are marketed as being healthy, white bread, etc). After reading loads of research on the internet I decided to give up all sugars except for those in fruit…