

  • You are so right! Since I gave birth to my 4th child in May 2012 I have lost a good 30lbs. My husband tells me now more then he ever did how sexy I am. I just wish he would've told me before that I was getting fat. Well good luck on your journey!
  • The video is good kinda hard to hear you talking over the music (sorry just my opinion) I can still see everything your doing and I understand so thats good. Thanks for taking the time to make the video your amazing..
  • Well diet has less of everything in it so if your going to do soda and you can stand the diet I'd drink diet. I'm a huge pepsi I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy so diet pepsi became my best friend. Now that my pregnancy is over I try to stick with diet. At least its better then a regular soda.
  • I'm also a BFM and at my 2wk pp I lost all my baby weight plus 2 pounds. I just put in that I burn like 300 calories a day bf I'm sure its more then that but rather not over due it. I try to eat all my calories but I don't seem to get it unless we go out to eat. My baby is 3 1/2 weeks now and I've lost another 5 pounds.
  • Hello I to have struggled to eat right and exercise I have four girls. I try to go walking at night after dinner or when It's not so hot out. If your little one has a bike sometimes chasing behind her while you walk can make you work up a sweat. Good luck on your journey I'm looking forward to starting mine. My baby is…
  • My baby girl is 3 weeks today born May 31. When I had her I weighed 170 now I'm 151 before I got pregnant I was 156. I really wanna be 130-135. I try to watch what I eat I have two daughters that play softball and sometimes its hard we have to stop to get fast food. What things do you do? I could be a good mom and probably…
    in Intro Comment by tabitha4511 June 2012