Thoughts on Diet Coke



  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Blah diet anything taste like crap to me
  • lsunderl
    lsunderl Posts: 38
    I gave it up a week ago - and my skin is already clearer! And I'm not drinking any more water than I had been already.

    Some "studies" suggest that the aspartame tricks your body into thinking that it needs real sugars (or something to that effect) and you end up eating more to satisfy that craving.

    I'm trying to "eat clean" so this was at the top of the list that I had to choose not to drink.

    Good luck!
  • Here2GetFit
    Here2GetFit Posts: 292
    ...It goes well with rum.


    Bacardi please
  • WitchWeigh64
    New to MFP.
    By just giving up Diet Pepsi (I drank it several times a day - everyday), I'm down 10 pounds in 7 weeks.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Is there research on it or just internet myths? I believe it's harmless. The FDA believes it's harmless.

    There is tons out there of proven studies that show how dangerous it is. You just have to go look it all up yourself because the media and food companies wont tell you these things. And its not like if you drink it, your going to automatically get sick or die, its very slow and causes other problems, cancers, etc that they blame on other things. Also...the FDA is a joke...look up and do your research on them. If it comes out of the mouths of the FDA then you can bet its a lie. Most people though believe them and wont ever do their own research and see the ties and the truth. Thats all Im going to say about this though because I know that nothing I say will change anyones mind, it will probably go in one ear and out the other like it always does with most people:) Everyone has to make their own decisions and make the best choice for them:) Zero and Free drinks also contain it along with most low fat and non fat products. Eat & Drink the real stuff and do it in moderation.

    No there are tons of articles that are against it and manipulate words to try to prove it's harmful. Here's one: diet soda can cause formaldehyde in the body. True. But what also isn't being stated is the same thing happens with fruits and vegetables.
    I await actually peer reviewed scientific study stating that it will KILL me. Till then, I'll keep drinking it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    I love regular coke, but don't like the taste of diet. I stopped drinking coke when a friend turned me on to La Croix sparkling water in lemon. I'm addicted to the carbonation more than the sugar. Alas, where we live now, there is no La Croix and there are vending machines in our apartment basement and every street corner, literally.
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I think that its made with aspartame, not splenda? My nursing instructor told us that aspartame (nutrasweet) is neurotoxic by allowing too much glutamate into the cells, which may eventually cause multiple sclerosis, parkinsons disease, alzheimers, brain lesions. She said that splenda is not as bad for you.

    She also said that when you open the pop and all of the mist comes off of it, it is actually formaldehyde (embalming fluid), there is much more of it when the diet coke is at room temp.

    Real pop is healthier for you than diet. You are not going to automatically die if you drink it, it happens slowly.
    Did you realize that eating fruits and vegetables also forms formaldehyde in the body? Alarmism at it's best.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Yes I do, but the fruits and vegetables do not have aspartic acid in them, nor cause neurotoxic effects. I understand that many substances have formaldehyde but from what I understand they do not have many of the chemicals that diet pop has, and was just pointing out a few of them.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Is there research on it or just internet myths? I believe it's harmless. The FDA believes it's harmless.

    FDA?! SchmeshDA!

    FDA sponsored by who?

    To anyone interested, check out the Sweet Misery documentary, available on-line ... Watch that and tell me there isn't reasonable doubt ...
    Personally I'll take peer reviewed scientific evidence over any documentary unless that documentary actually presents it that way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    And I sincerely wish good luck to you then, I hope you don't suffer.
  • nixx1980
    nixx1980 Posts: 1
    I have one a day and try to drink water the rest of the time.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    I still drink a can or two everyday. Still losing weight!

    I track everything I eat so, while I do eat sweets, I don't attribute it to the Diet Coke and I still remain within my calorie count. And, if it kills me, slowly, in 40+ years, I'm ok with it. We're all going to die at some point, may as well enjoy the ride!

    I would rather die in 40 years due to old age, rather than die uncomfortably with Parkinsons or MS, the ride won't be as sweet then:)

    Who wouldn't, but tomorrow you could slip on the bath tub and be a quadriplegic. You must have some balance in your life. If you want a "diet coke" once in a while than enjoy it. Continuously depriving yourself from something is not mentally healthy.
  • tabitha4511
    Well diet has less of everything in it so if your going to do soda and you can stand the diet I'd drink diet. I'm a huge pepsi I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy so diet pepsi became my best friend. Now that my pregnancy is over I try to stick with diet. At least its better then a regular soda.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I don't drink it. I get enough lecturing from my father about artificial sweeteners and processed foods to write a room full of books. :) I personally don't even like the taste artificial sweeteners have, and they mess my stomach up BAD. It took a while to get used to, but I gave up soda a long time ago. I drink water, milk, coffee, and occasionally when we eat out I'll have an unsweetened tea. I don't even crave it any more. Now if only I can be this disciplined with chocolate... ;) If you enjoy it in moderation, you're probably fine. I have just read and heard too much about it that I would rather it not be in my body.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I can't stand the stuff or any kind of soda to be honest. I used to drink it but not that often and now I can't stand the taste of it. It's too sweet and tastes like chemicals. Sometimes I'll crave one, like on a really really hot day but if I ignore the craving -- or just have a cold seltzer water -- it goes away.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I still drink a can or two everyday. Still losing weight!

    I track everything I eat so, while I do eat sweets, I don't attribute it to the Diet Coke and I still remain within my calorie count. And, if it kills me, slowly, in 40+ years, I'm ok with it. We're all going to die at some point, may as well enjoy the ride!

    I would rather die in 40 years due to old age, rather than die uncomfortably with Parkinsons or MS, the ride won't be as sweet then:)
    Please post peer reviewed clinical study that shows that drinking diet soda leads to Parkinson's or MS in humans. If not, then what you're stating is anecdotal evidence.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • llgbauer
    llgbauer Posts: 3 Member
    Ignoring all the internet myths, "cola" ( regular or diet) has phosphoric acid , which can deplete the calcium in bones. I have had several doctors tell me to limit it to once a week or less. That said, my family doctor said something along the lines of " You have a much greater risk of dying from diabetes relates issues than cancer from diet soda".
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Blah diet anything taste like crap to me

    A Voice Of Fakkin' Reason!
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I drank diet coke for years - there was practically an IV of diet coke in my arm. For 7 years I struggled with terrible stomach problems (had every test and was diagnosed (and then undiagnosed) with everything from Celiac to IBS to Chrons etc. and ultimately, the answer was that the artificial sweeteners (not just in diet coke, but it weight watchers food products and others) were making my stomach and intestines bleed. I stopped consuming all artificial sweeteners at that point and within 3 weeks, my 7 years of hell were over. The stuff is poison in my opinion. But so is sugar.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I drink Diet Rite cola when I have to drink a diet has splenda and no calories or sodium.
  • bethanylaugh
    bethanylaugh Posts: 237
    Clearly a lot of differing opinions on the topic! I use stevia to sweeten coffee and other things, but i will occasionally (1x a week?) have a diet pop with dinner or something. I want to cut it out... it's too controversial for my tastes. I agree with the idea that in 20-40 years, we will be disgusted with ourselves for ever having ingested the stuff!

    Also, my mother in law has permanent indigestion and ulcer-like symptoms from drinking too much artificial sugars (but she was crazy about them... like, 8-10x a day in her coffee, iced tea, canned drinks, etc!). She can't have them anymore and when she does, she is in a ton of pain from it! so that's proof enough for me!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It's just crap.

    Ignoring the health stuff - fizzy drinks are so bad for teeth. Why not just have fresh juice instead or concentrate?
    It's sugar that's bad for the teeth not the fizz. And juice has more sugar than many other sodas.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    I drink no added sugar, and there is research that concludes even carbonated water is bad for teeth, never mind when you add diet coke syrup.

    Point being - unless you want to stick with plain water the whole time, then you will want some flavoured drink. Carbonated beverages are worse.