Thoughts on Diet Coke

MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
I know there is a lot of research into aspartame and the effects on weight loss and metabolism. I do drink one can a day. I had a break for 5 years from all caffeine related products because I thought they were exasperating another condition and previous to that I did drink a lot and lost a lot of weight.

What are your thoughts on it. I drink mainly sugar free squash the rest of the time and the odd hot drink.


  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    2-3 times a day
    everthing in moderation
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Is there research on it or just internet myths? I believe it's harmless. The FDA believes it's harmless.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I still drink regular soda but only 1-2 cans a day where I use to drink it as my only drink. Other than that I drink water and juice. I have to have atleast one soda a day since it's my only form of caffiene (I do not drink coffee).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Diet Pepsi tastes better...................................2-3 cans a day for me over the last 25 years.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    I enjoy it, but too much caffeine gives me migraines. Even if I only have one a day, after a few days I feel kinda ill, and it makes me grouchy. So then if I stop, I get a migraine. Sounds like I should avoid it, but I don't. It's a drug. :smile:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'll be enjoying one at lunch. As I do most days. Never was a problem for me.
  • SaraHaxton1
    I prefer Coke Zero, if and when I do drink soda. Too many bubbles. I prefer lime aide made with Splenda(it dissolves better than sugar in cold temperatures)
  • haleylovessoccer
    I know how you feel! I've always had a diet coke in my hand since I was young because my family never got the regular kind. My soccer team has a strict no soda and no fried foods during the season or 10 days before the next game. I think if you drink it in moderation you will be fine. Its the people who have over 5 cans a day that are going to have a serious problem.
  • turquoise_elephant
    turquoise_elephant Posts: 83 Member
    I think if you have it in moderation it's fine in terms of the aspartame. One can a day shouldn't hurt, and it can be a good sweet fix when you first start out losing weight. But I would try to cut it out as soon as you can and save it for a treat, especially if the rest of the time you drink squash. Lots of sugary/sweet drinks! Your body will love you if you switch to plain water for at least 2-3 of those drinks a day!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Diet pepsi addict here. Aspartame is my friend. Lol. If legitimate and proven research shows it will cause me harm, i will find a new bff. :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I drink diet pop all the time.
    My sister drank it all the time while PREGNANT and her kids have all their toes.
    My Grandmother drinks it and she is 95 living on her own.

    I dislike the diet pop nazis :)

    MMMMMM mcdonalds fountain pop!!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I love Diet Coke, but I know they say it's a lot worse for you. I know you don't gain anything from it health wise so I'm trying to keep away. I have a soda maybe once or twice a month but don't really crave them. I switched from coffee to Non-caffeinated Celestial Herbal Tea and that's pretty good. I do have start bucks maybe once every two week on Saturday mornings. Also I drink alot of water (Sometimes with Mio), vitamin waters, and unsweet tea (Sometimes sweetened with Stevia). Those might be some good ideas for you.
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    One or two cans a day probably won't hurt you.

    My dad was a truck driver and used to drink a 12 pack of Diet Coke a day.... he ended up with kidney cancer and had to have it removed. :frown:
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    What I have read and seen regarding diet drinks and aspartame seems to point to assuming you'll eat more because of the *fake* sweetness and how it affects your appetite and metabolism. All things considered, if you can control your eating and are logging your food, one can a day shouldn't be a problem.

    I've been off/on diet coke for ten years. It honestly seems like I lose the same, or the pattern is the same, whether I am drinking it or not. Currently I have up to 2 ans a day (sometimes none) and make sure I get in all my water.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I prefer Pepsi Max. Diet soda seems helpful in a way, since I have less cravings for sweets when I drink it (it fills the need), but my stomach is flatter when I don't drink it. Can't win 'em all, right? :frown:
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Personally I do not like diet coke.

    But I do drink diet mt. dew, diet sunkist, diet a&w root beer and creme soda, diet dr pepper and coke zero on a regular daily basis. :drinker:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I drink up to 3 cups a day without any apparent adverse effects on health or weight loss.

    The adverse effect on my wallet however, is undeniable.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Don't think, just drink :-)
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    if you have to ask....
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have never liked the taste of Diet Coke...if I cant drink " the real thing", I wont drink any of it. :smokin: