

  • I recently found out I am insulin resistant (pre-diabetes) and have thyroid problems. I'm on medication now to help with the thyroid problems and am hoping that it will allow me to lose enough weight that I don't scoot over into being diabetic. I have a good 100+ pounds to lose total but I always feel its a struggle. I…
  • Fab idea. I'm going grocery shopping tonight - need to stock up on some cucumbers since they are such a delish snack option. I was shocked at how much sodium was in 3 mini-dill pickles. I was eating them for the vinegar that was in them - here is an article I found on the benefits of vinegar.…
  • I too always look at people and have to tell myself that thin does not = happy. I totally feel like they have the high life and are "living." I fell on Christmas day and ended up in the ER getting stitches. I was laying next to this girl who got angry with her parents and ran her car (brand new car) into a railing and…
  • I don't have any great jump start tips, but I'm with you on losing 110lbs in 2011!! Something that has motivated me (and I'm probably a little too old to be watching the show, but whatever works) is watching "I used to be fat" on MTV. Any type of inspirational weightloss shows always motivates me. I am 100% anti-weight…