

  • the hardest part for me is keeping going once i get to a point where i'm getting lots of comments/compliments on my progress. i know that sounds backwards but its how it was after i had my almost 4 year old. i lost 70 lbs in 8 months & every person who knew me had never seen me thinner or more fit. once i started getting…
  • when i'm really focused on dropping pounds (not just eating healthy) bread is the worst thing for me to eat. i can honestly eat candy every single day (keeping within my calories of course) and still lose weight but bread just kills me. i've found what others have already said, IF i eat bread it has to be as whole grain as…
  • you look amazing! so inspiring, thank you for sharing!
  • i was working on losing weight when i got pregnant with my youngest (she's about 7 months now) and my midwife told me that i really didn't need to eat more than i was (i was eating around 1500 cal/day) but that i needed to be working on eating the best things. quality over quantity i guess. basically she said my body would…
  • i am no expert but i've been told my multiple trainers in the past that it is better to do a short warm up (no more than 10 minutes) on a cardio machine prior to strength training. then do the rest of your cardio to make up the rest of your workout. i personally like to do it that way. it seems like it is easier to keep…