What was the hardest part of your journey?

Hey Good People! I'm in the process of losing 100+ lbs. I started having trouble with my hip a couple of weeks ago - kind of ignored it. It worsened a bit, and I was advised to let it rest for about a week. Don't like that idea, but I know I need to listen to my body and this gives me an opportunity to focus better on my food. Not only that, I've gained 3 lbs this week. Not really sure how or what, but again focusing on my food. I'm only around 30 lbs of my journey. This is just the beginning but it's a little frustrating and doubt this will be the hardest part of getting to my goal.

My question: What was the hardest part for you getting to your goal weight and how did you overcome?

Thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:


  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    Getting to the gym was half my battle, once I got there was ok, but I would often try and talk myself out of it :( even while seeing results but having accountability and people joining me (family members) I felt if I didnt go Id let them down then I got to a mental state where if I didnt go Id let me down too!! YOu can do it, keep your WHY very close to you!
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    Being patient is the hardest part for me. Having the accept that I could work SOOOO hard all week and only lose .3 a pound. To not be discouraged by this and throw it all away and give up. To allow that it would take nine months for me to lose the 30 lbs that I have so far. And to be okay with that.

    The general concensus is that weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise so even if you have to rest, concentrating on your food is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Hey Good People! I'm in the process of losing 100+ lbs. I started having trouble with my hip a couple of weeks ago - kind of ignored it. It worsened a bit, and I was advised to let it rest for about a week. Don't like that idea, but I know I need to listen to my body and this gives me an opportunity to focus better on my food. Not only that, I've gained 3 lbs this week. Not really sure how or what, but again focusing on my food. I'm only around 30 lbs of my journey. This is just the beginning but it's a little frustrating and doubt this will be the hardest part of getting to my goal.

    My question: What was the hardest part for you getting to your goal weight and how did you overcome?

    Thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:

    I know what you mean about set backs. I too have had problems with one of my hips. I don't know if you have the same problem I do, but what helped me was doing some specific stretches at the end of my workout. I just kept trying different things until I found what worked for me. Let me know if you need some suggestions on stretches.

    Also, you might want to check out the group that I recently started Truly Committed Boot Camp!

    Today is weigh in day so you would be starting off on a brand new week. Come and Join Us!

    If you are looking for motivation, support, and accountabilty to lose weight and reach your goals. Then you should check out this Boot Camp. We are a group of people who are committed to eating right, exercising, losing weight and reaching our goals for a healthier life.

    This group is for everyone who wants to losing weight and needs the help, support, and motivation from others on the same journey. This will be an ongoing boot camp where you will be challenged to exercise, eat right and improve your overall health.

    There will be a weekly weigh in and plenty of challenges to get you motivated to reach your goals.

  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    For me it's patience. I want to be fit and at a healthy weight NOW! Every time I walk by a mirror I look closely for any changes. I drove myself crazy some days!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I'm still about 10 pounds away from goal, but have lost just over 40 so far. This last bit seems to be the hardest to get off, and I keep bouncing up and down between 145 and 150. It has taken me 2 years to get that 40 pounds off, but I wasn't trying very hard until this past summer. I'd say the hardest part for me is not giving in to temptation when it comes to food. I run now, which helps counteract some of my bad food decisions, but if i want to get the last 10 pounds off I know I need to be more strict with my diet, and that is a struggle for me. Good luck!
  • samanthajo1994
    GETTING STARTED! that always seems to be the hardest part, and really sticking to it for the first few weeks. Losing weight isn't a fast process but one that is def worth it. I love when I can see my measurements shrink. it keeps me motivated even if the weight doesn't change. :)
  • Tamtamz76
    Tamtamz76 Posts: 23
    Patience, and not overwhelming myself with the tons of information out there regarding diet and exercise.
  • maggiestoecker
    the hardest part for me is keeping going once i get to a point where i'm getting lots of comments/compliments on my progress. i know that sounds backwards but its how it was after i had my almost 4 year old. i lost 70 lbs in 8 months & every person who knew me had never seen me thinner or more fit. once i started getting all that validation i let myself think i'd done enough & i started skipping workouts & not watching what i was eating as diligently as i had been.
    needless to say, i gained a few pounds then got pregnant with my youngest. she's 15 months old now & i'm getting to the point where people who haven't seen me for awhile are seeing the progress i've made & telling me how great i look. thankfully i have a bridesmaid dress i HAVE to fit in in a few weeks that is keeping me motivated to keep going. but there are days, when someone compliments me or some of my "skinny" clothes fit again & i almost convince myself that i can miss the gym "just this once" or that "one snickers blizzard won't derail ALL my hard work".
    fwiw~i hurt my back really bad last summer when i was only a few weeks into my journey to lose 100-ish pounds and it took me 4 months before i was recovered enough to work out again. if it hadn't been for the fact that the pain was so intense most days i couldn't eat hardly anything i know i wouldn't have lost a pound & probably would've gained back more than just the few i'd lost up to that point.
    good luck & keep concentrating on your eating. i've heard the 80/20 rule from more than one trainer & even a nutritionist so i feel pretty confident in using that to set my goals and guide my journey. :)