

  • I love my Polar FT4!
  • I personally think Workout 7 is easier than 5 is, once you get past the first circuit. It is still an incredible arm workout and I still can't do a full range of motion on the crow pushups or plank ups to save my life! I can only do a couple on my feet then have to go to my knees, but would rather have my arms working than…
  • Mine was actually the same as the OP...I was just talking about that with my roommate the other day. How gratifying it is to be able to go to a restaurant and cross your legs under the table!
  • Workout 5 is tough!! I feel like my shoulders are going to rip right off...definitely into some major super sets in this workout. Once you get past this workout, she has moves like the ones you do in this series, but not back to back where you are screaming at her (ok, well at least I scream at her :smile: ). I have to…
  • I just restarted right after Labor Day...starting with Workout 3. I thought this time around I would find it easier, but it still is challenging! I did decide to up the weights, so hopefully it will still provide some results. I decided to do other cardio instead of hers, but now a couple weeks into it, I think that I…
  • Don't give up! I completed the program Labor Day and then restarted and am on Workout 5 as well...I didn't see much of the scale or inches move until I reached Phase 3 last time and then it totally clicked and I lost the most weight in the last 5 weeks of the program. I have read others' posts and most are stating the…
  • You look great! Congratulations and keep it up!!
  • Brittany- I felt the same way as you did with not seeing the scale move so much, but I hope that you measured yourself as you will lose inches for sure! I also upped my cardio during the process and I actually lost more weight when I realized that was a little crazy and just stuck to Jillian (with just a couple extra…
  • Nyssa- I felt the same way about her cardio...dreaded those days and hated the workouts. I definitely have had a better attitude now that I have substituted another cardio that I don't find so dreadful. Keep it up! Workout 3 is when I felt like she finally kicked it into gear, and the rest of the program is great!
  • I ended my 90 days last week and am restarting the program. I thought Workouts 9 and 10 were the most difficult, mostly because I had fooled myself into thinking that all of the even numbered workouts were easier, but 10 definitely was not, so therefore, my body didn't get a break. Workouts 11 and 12 are definitely easier…
  • Hey ladies- I just finished Body Revolution on Monday and am restarting the program tomorrow with WO3, so was excited to find a post where people are on the same workout schedule (approximately) as me. While reading your posts, I read that some of you are concerned with not seeing the scale move, and with this program I…