selanders Member


  • Wow, great job maintaining your loss! My biggest struggle is to resist binging and totally going off the deep-end. About 4 years ago I lost 90 lbs and got down to 138. I celebrated by going back to my old eating habits and gaining it all back! It was embarrassing and difficult to deal with mentally. Even so, I think I…
  • It's great to get some responses! I'm adding pretty much everyone who requests because I love the positive community! You are all awesome just for being here! Another btw - I'm 26, 5'4", SW 250, CW 155, GW 130! I love running AND lifting!
  • I don't eat all my exercise calories back, usually around half, unless I am feeling really hungry or weak. Then I take that as a message from my body that I need more fuel. What's the point? - A big bonus of exercise is that if you are gaining muscle, you will also increase your BMR (you will increase your daily calorie…
  • I'm a teacher! This summer has been great for my health - physical and mental! I am nervous for the start of the school year, because I know that I will be so much more busy and tired; I hope I can keep up with my healthy eating and exercise habits. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Thank you to the poster for finally pointing out that the "technical" definition of anorexia nervosa has everything to do with the mindset of the individual, and nothing to do with BMR or calorie count. It has to do with restriction, obsession, fear of food, fear of gaining weight, forcibly suppressed appetite, and…
  • You might want to see a doctor to be cleared for high-intensity exercise. I've never felt that terrible while running, even when I'm really out of shape. If you want to ease into running, try HIIT, but keep in mind that your "high intensity" could just be jogging for 10-30 seconds before walking until you feel ready for…
  • Both times that I have ventured to lose weight and ACTUALLY stuck with it for more then a week, something had just "clicked" in my brain that made me really really want it. There is a huge mental aspect to losing weight. You can't force it, but you can motivate yourself in other ways. Try to read something about weight…
  • Subway nutrition calculator.
    in Subway Comment by selanders July 2012
  • These are awesome!
  • Here is another one I just read in another post: "Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." - Edward Stanley
  • 25 and looking to lose a lot! I have lost weight in the past, so this is my second go-around!
  • Hi! I'm about to enter my second year of teaching middle schoolers, so I know how stressful your life probably is during the school year. I am loving having this summer to recuperate, and hopefully get back some of my health before the start of the school year. Good luck with continuing your healthy habits!