

  • Well I've never ever seen my heartrate go above 186, and I'll sustain 178-182 for 40-50 minutes. The question was what the pros and cons of sustaining max are - not whether I'm doing it or not. I'm not interested in debating. I'm interested in learning facts.
  • I did 5 weeks of Insanity before my muscles completely gave out due to extreme fatigue. I couldn't even do stairs in middle of the day. My internal body had zero energy. I didn't lose any weight on the program BUT I measured my body fat % too and that went down a full percentage point for EACH week. That was seriously…
  • Thanks. I'm just cranky b/c I have to stay away from sugar and caffeine. I know my body needed this detox of sorts but my mood isn't liking it. ;)
  • Day 3 of TurboFire Inferno. Holy CRAP I'm ravenous. I just finished lunch and I cannot wait for my afternoon snack. The first two days I didn't feel this hunger, but man has it kicked in full force this morning. Last night's workout routine was a bit of a beast. At least with Insanity I knew it would be done in 45 minutes.…
  • Get one of those sweatbands for the head. Nike even makes them, even though they can look totally 80's - name brand or not. They do soak up the drips and prevent them from getting in the eyes. Personally, I opt against the flashdance look and instead keep my towel VERY handy to continuously wipe the sweat off my brow. I am…
  • That's funny - my last boyfriend was an attorney!
  • I love older men. Men after their midlife crisis preferably. Younger than that and they're trying so hard to prove something to somebody somewhere. And it's *painfully* obvious. And so unattractive. After the midlife crisis, they settle into themselves, accept themselves, and learn to just embrace and enjoy LIFE. That's…
  • Okay this eating healthy stuff is insanely time consuming. This week I've been waking up at 5:30a to get all of my food prep done for the day with enough time to get out the door to work at 7a. I get home at 6p and then do my Inferno workout(s), followed by cooking and eating dinner. I just finished at 9:10p. So from 5a-9p…
  • Doing TurboFire Inferno this week to lose a little before my cruise next week. :D Today is Day 2, and I'm really impressed with the food choices! These recipes are tasty. Granted, it takes a lot of time in the morning to do all my meal prep, but I figure I can manage it for 5 days. I have no preconceived notion of what I…
  • I do, but it's irrelevant. What matters is that I'm still seeking my soul-mate, which according to Myers Briggs is an ENFP. I find the girls everywhere (and get along with them famously), but finding the men has proven to be quite a challenge. Hopefully someday one will cross my path... I'm still holding out!
  • So your group page says that you have challenge groups starting each month, but I don't see them on the board. Where can I find that? I'm intrigued by a challenge group! I like the accountability of sharing these experiences with others. I know that's what helped me through some of those tough days of Insanity last year…
  • I wrecked my back in week 5 of Insanity last year and still feel the side effects, so I'm looking at starting Turbofire on June 24 instead. Can I join the Beachbody support group you've got going on? I don't do facebook, so I'm looking for people who participate here and/or on the teambeachbody site.
  • Hi! I am looking forward to hearing about your Inferno results. I am thinking about doing it next week. I'm seriously considering starting Turbofire on June 24. I can be your buddy at that point if you like. We don't necessarily have to be at the same place. Are you doing the 12 week or the 20 week?