Insanity Week 2 More Difficult?

Hi everyone - I am in the middle of my second week of the first month of Insanity. I have to say, I am finding it harder than last week! Last week I was sore at first but that dissipated and then I was able to power through and finish out the week strong. This morning (day 10) was the first time I almost couldn't finish the DVD. I would not like to think I am getting in worse shape - why am I finding it harder now? Why am I more tired and even less able to do the full workout than I was a week ago? Does my body need to get more used to it? Do I just need to sleep more than 7-7.5 hours? Eat more?

Speaking of which, I am hungrier this week. I started Insanity to lose weight (be more fit and toned primarily, but I will need to lose weight in order to do this), but as I'm noticing many women experience, the scale has not moved - I am vaguely aware this is due to water retention. However, I am hesitant to eat more since I am trying to lose weight! I eat my 1200 daily plus my exercise cals, which is about 350, so about 1550 every day and most days a little bit more because I am so hungry! But always healthy choices, and about 75% totally clean eating. I just need some support or someone to tell me that I WILL lose weight doing this.



  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    Theres a diet plan with insanity, would it not be best to try that instead of the 1200cal plus exercise calories as the meal plan is how many calories they recon you need to see results on the plan?
  • booyakazam
    booyakazam Posts: 18
    How many meals per day are you eating? Also what is the breakdown for carbs/protein/fat?

    I found that the scale stopped moving, but as soon as i focused on eating 5 meals per day and less carbs, the scale started to move. Also, I try to eat 60-70% of my daily calorie intake before 3pm.

    I hope this helps!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    Don't give up! I'm on day 32 now, and so far I've lost 6 1/2 pounds. The first two weeks I only lost 2 pounds (and I don't think I lost anything the first week). My guess is that you probably need to eat a little more and make sure you eat a decent meal (protein/fat/carbs) about two hours before your workout. I eat about a net 1800 every day and I'm losing the fat and putting on muscle (I also lift three times a week). This obviously won't work for some, but anytime I'm hungry I eat something (normally a piece of fruit, etc). I normally have something small every hour or two. You can do it, and feel free to add me!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    You need to eat MORE with Insanity ((hugs))
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    Hang in there. Weigh yourself once per week. It works for me when I am able to do it. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. I've never done this workout but I workout 5-6 days per week. Also, being healthy is so much more important than what the scale says. I also get " stuck" every now and then. Measure yourself to make sure you are losing inches.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    I know what you mean. I'm not doing the program to a T; I'm integrating it in with other stuff. But I am doing the workouts in the order on the calendar. I just finished Week 1, and getting going this morning was terrible. I was like, "Have I gotten in WORSE shape than when I started??" Answer: I doubt it. I think I'm just tired.

    So keep going, remember to always work at your own pace, and dig deep! (wow, I feel totally cheesy saying that but hey, it's true! :-)
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    I didn't experience that BUT I have read about a great deal of people who don't lose within the first 2-3 weeks, but somewhere between week 4-6 it starts to come off really good. Just stick with it because what would be the alternative...not to work out and eat healthy? That sure won't get results.

    Also, looking at your diary, it looks like you eat twice as much carbs as you do protein. Some people don't tolerate an excess of carbs well. I'm not sure how tall you are or what your BF percentage is but I would try to cut down on the carbs to between 100-150g a day and bump up the protein to 100-120 a day. Even though insanity is a high intensity program, you can still go at your own pace and if you are consuming to much carbs too soon and in abundance without expending all of that energy, you will more than likely be storing it versus your body usuing it all up. Just my two cents. Try changing up the carbs and protein for a week, eat 4-5 small meals a day that includes healthy fats, complex carbs, and lean protein and see what happens.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    You need to eat more!

    I tried it on 1200 net per day and after 2 weeks ended up in bed sick for 2 weeks and had to start all over. When I started over I changed my intake to 1550 + exercise calories. I was netting 1550 daily and eating somewhere between 1900 and 2200 depending on the exercises. In month 2 I went up to 1690 + exercise calories. I lost 13 pounds, doesn't sound like a lot but it looks more like 30. I went from wearing a size 18 pants to a size 12.

    On a personal rant I get so tired of hearing/reading "the scale didn't move." Ask yourself 2 simple questions...

    1 - Do I feel fitter/stronger today than I did yesterday?
    2 - Are my clothes fitting better/looser than they were?

    If your answers are yes then you are succeeding at you goal of becoming healthier REGARDLESS of what a scale says.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member

    On a personal rant I get so tired of hearing/reading "the scale didn't move." Ask yourself 2 simple questions...

    1 - Do I feel fitter/stronger today than I did yesterday?
    2 - Are my clothes fitting better/looser than they were?

    If your answers are yes then you are succeeding at you goal of becoming healthier REGARDLESS of what a scale says.

    THIS!!! Love it!
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    This seems to be a pretty common problem and happened to me too. There are days in month 1 where I felt I was doing better and then others it was so hard. I'm now on the first week of month 2 and it's super hard all over again. I lost 4 lbs. the first month eating about the same as you 1500 calories, but that was only in the first week and then my weigh went to a stand still. I lost another lb in recovery and now just from starting month 2 have gained 3 lbs. in one day (water weight but still). It's discouraging to see no scale loss, but the inches and my body are getting loads more toned. I'd stay off the scale, easier said than done, but from what i've seen people lose more inches than scale weight.
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    I've completed the Insanity program and you don't need to follow the diet they have. Really, who cares about weight. Care about your body composition and how your body is feeling.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    I did 5 weeks of Insanity before my muscles completely gave out due to extreme fatigue. I couldn't even do stairs in middle of the day. My internal body had zero energy.

    I didn't lose any weight on the program BUT I measured my body fat % too and that went down a full percentage point for EACH week. That was seriously impressive. My clothes didn't get looser, though, which was frustrating and odd.

    I loved the workouts but didn't love the results. Well, except that I could suddenly enjoy running 2 miles without stopping - which I had never experienced in my life. That was surreal.

    The motivators that worked for me while I was on the program were watching my body fat % jump down and also the Fit Test results. Those skyrocketed for me. So it clearly did something for my body - just not what I was expecting. So maybe let go of expectations and just enjoy the ride!
  • priyasonty
    priyasonty Posts: 14 Member
    You guys are the BEST. Thank you for all this incredible advice! I feel so grateful to be a part of the MFP community!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Uhm Insanity will progress to be more difficult each week that passes by!

    I'd say start focusing on your body fat percentage more so than just weight and youll start to see a difference. Eat MORE very lean proteins and just pay attention to your macros.
    it makes a difference, trust me!
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    Significant weigh loss will show during the 2nd month, at least that's how it works for me. I usually gain about 5 lbs during the first 3 weeks, then by Week 5 I've shed the extra water weight and a few more pounds.

    Is Week 2 more difficult? No, Week 5 is more difficult. The first month is just a warm up. Something to look forward to, lol.
  • too2taf
    too2taf Posts: 11 Member
    Sore muscles? Results and Recovery formula. Not necessarily the Teambeachbody version, but a results and recovery formula of sorts ( i use Maxifuel) . I used to struggle with sore and stiff muscles but since i started drinking this after Insanity training, i am good now. No pain after exercise which is HEAVEN!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Week 2 should be getting easy.. You might need to eat more.. Insanity is a tough program and you need to fuel your body for it. I started eating about 1900 cals a day with it sometimes more and didn't gain any weight.