Sweat burning my eyes like crazy!

I sweat a lot when working out and when it is hot I sweat even more. I mean, it pours off of me like rivers, or like in some goofy tv commercial for a sports drink! So of course the salty sweat burns my eyes. If I get equally sweaty the next day, it burns even more. Like there is some low level irritation from the previous day and it builds. Sometimes at home I have to stop working out, go the the bathroom, splash lots of water on my fave and dry carefully. Just wiping with a towel does help a bit, but the rubbing also irritates my skin. Any suggestions to protect my skin, or do I just suck it up, splash some water around and keep going?


  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Any possibility it could be dehydration? I've noticed sweat stinging a lot more if I have not been drinking enough, and it would also fit with it hurting even more the next day if you get even more dehydrated from the previous day's workout/sweating.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    Get one of those sweatbands for the head. Nike even makes them, even though they can look totally 80's - name brand or not. They do soak up the drips and prevent them from getting in the eyes. Personally, I opt against the flashdance look and instead keep my towel VERY handy to continuously wipe the sweat off my brow. I am very hydrated and even at my healthiest, I sweat A LOT. I think it's genetic. I love it because I know I'm getting the toxins out, but I do always look like the crazy girl in class.

    --- I wonder, though, if it's an allergy thing. Do you have dry or irritable eyes in general? You might want to try an allergy pill or eye drops before working out just to see if that helps.
  • I suppose dehydration is a possibility or contributor. I have had a little cramping in my calves lately too and I know that could be dehydration as well. Another reason to watch my water intake!
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    sweat burns eyes… that's why we have eyebrows - true story. Excessive sweat dripage can be avoided by sweat bands… that's what they were made for.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    LOL...sports drink commercial:laugh: My T-shirt looks like I put it on WET, and sweat literally drips off my nose, chin, etc. I end up with a pond in my little area :laugh:

    I have that same issue and I thought it was just my sweat and maybe something I had on my face. BUT...maybe it's from my hair? Maybe some gel or spray that was there? Since I sweat SO much, my hair is totally out-of-the-shower wet. Kinda gross, but at least it makes me feel like I'm moving my butt and working 110%. I don't style my hair before I workout, usually do just enough to be presentable, since I know within 10 minutes i'll be a hot sweaty mess. But, if there was any product in my hair, maybe that's the reason?

    Here's to more sweaty workouts, and hopefully no more burning eyes!
  • Yes! Great puddles of sweat! My hair looks like I just stepped out of the shower! Although I suppose it's not the worst problem I could have.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Cramping could be an indication that you're not getting enough water. I have the same issue with the sweat stinging my eyes (even wearing a bandana to keep my hair out of my eyes, I sweat through it). I keep a small towel on hand to wipe down during my breaks. It does irritate my skin a little. This is normal given that salt is a fairly abrasive mineral, but it can be exacerbated by the type of body wash/face wash you use (particularly if you are outside in the sun as well).
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    get a headband, hat, or bandana
  • daviladk
    daviladk Posts: 2
    The reason your eyes are burning has nothing to do with what is being said here. In fact, you've probably tried everything and your eyes are still burning, right? You're not alone. I ran today and had the same experience. What you are experiencing is a reaction between the stratospheric aerosols from the air and your sweat. Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to geoengineeringwatch.org.

    Better advice would be to run indoors on heavy spraying days and take air quality advisories on AccuWeather.com serious.
  • mermiths
    mermiths Posts: 12
    1. Sweatbands (and that 80s look IS hot!) and buy some Refresh Plus eye drops (at your local pharmacy or at Sam's Club where you can get 10 billion for less - lol). They come in easy disposable containers and rinse your eyes out with "normal" stuff - not like Visine. We use them a lot during allergy season too!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Put a curved line of Vaseline on your forehead. It will channel the sweat to the sides away from your eyes.
  • daviladk
    daviladk Posts: 2
    Herman and mermith, I get what you're saying. Probably would help. One can't dismiss stratospheric aerosols as a cause of the burning sensation. I've been playing sports my whole life and am a profuse sweater. I understand the concept that yes, there is salt in sweat. However, this sensation is very different from anything I've ever experienced. I would suggest working out inside and then outside and see if you feel a difference. Metallic nanoparticles in our atmosphere pose a real safety hazard and they're not from your ordinary pollutants you would think of. Check out geoengineeringwatch.org and draw your own conclusion, but don't be dismissive without checking it out.