

  • I have PCOS and I agree with the previous poster. Another good option is The Insulin Resistance Diet. It works whether you are IR or not. The premise behind it is to balance your carbs with protein (no more than 30g of carbs in a 2 hour period of time). I lost 20-25 lbs in 3-4 months the last time I did this diet. It's…
  • I am 5'6" and over 200 (started at 271). Feel free to friend me. :) I have my goal at 111 which would get me down to 160 but I'd certainly be happy at 140-150 also. :)
  • I just started this week (again) on MFP. I have PCOS and decided to go back to following the Insulin Resistance Diet. I am not IR and it will work even if you're not IR. It's the only diet since being diagnosed with PCOS that I don't yo-yo on. When I did this plan several years ago I lost 20-25 in 3-4 months. I then got…
  • bump. can't wait to make these!
  • I don't have info on the low GI diet ... but I have done The Insulin Resistance Diet (you can google it, $10 on amazon and kindle or roughly $5 for the used book and it works whether you have IR or not). Within 3-4 months I lost 25 lbs and didn't yo-yo like I do with all other diets, so I'm giving it a shot again. This…
  • Agree with above. If you doc has told you the Mirena IUD caused your PCOS, your doc is misinformed. Sadly some docs really don't know much about it and if this is the case, definitely seek a 2nd opinion. In fact, my second opinion doesn't even use ultrasound to diagnose PCOS, for the reason the previous poster mentioned.
  • Yum. That sounds good. Maybe I'll have that with lettuce leafs. Does anyone use those for making sandwiches?
  • Is anyone following the Insulin Resistance Diet? I decided to do that, as I had done it several years ago and lost about 25 lbs. Other diets, I seem to yo-yo but this one I didn't. The basics of it are to balance your carbs with protein (14g of protein to no more than 30g of carbs every 2 hours, not that you'd eat that…
  • I have a friend that had her gallbladder out recently. Afterwards, she went on WW and has lost 26 lbs now (probably in the last 3-4 months). I really think 1200 calories is not enough and your body is holding onto the weight thinking it's in starvation. Especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories. If you…
  • Just wanted to say that the Mirena IUD does not cause PCOS. Studies have shown PCOS is caused by insulin resistance and even if not insulin resistant on blood tests there can still be a degree of your body not processing insulin as it should, resulting in the side effects we all hate so much.
  • There is a book called The Insulin Resistance Diet. I am not insulin resistant but have had success with this diet, so yes you can do this diet even if NOT IR. It basically teaches you to balance your protein with carbs ... in a 2 hour window, you should have no more than 15 g of carbs to at least 7 g of protein or no more…
  • I know this is an old post but I've been looking for support as I'm doing the IR diet. I agree with others - if your doctor says you "might be" then for sure they should be drawing blood to know one way or the other. HOWEVER ... even if you're not IR, the IR diet can help you. I did this diet several years ago and lost…
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