Lmsvelling Member


  • Baby was born on may 10th , I've lost 25 lbs since. Almost at my pre pregnant weight, but still need to lose an additional 30 lbs!
  • I do a lot of zumba and cardio dance workouts through youtube
  • We already have a little girl and her name is Lillian May, we call her Lily. Not 100% set on the name for this girl, possibly Kinsley Marie.
  • hotmomma, I am so glad that all is ok with your baby girl! In the last two days I have started to feel VERY distint kicking and movement (instead of little flutters and swirling), in the next few days I'm hoping my hubby will be able to feel it on the outside. At my 20 week ultrasound I was measuring right on track and…
  • We are having a girl! We have a girl now so I am hoping they will be super close... they will be 2 years apart! We've had 3 ultrasounds to confirm lol.
  • Boo, well I will change my profile pic this weekend, that is when we are going to make it facebook official...lol! Also my due date changed to May 19th :)
  • yay! it's so amazing, isn't it???
  • Is there a way to post pics on here? I have a picture of our teddy graham and I would like to share it with you all!
  • I was at 182 at my first follow up and have been hanging out right at 180 for the past few weeks :)
  • I have a prenatal yoga dvd that I do about 2-3 times a week and I also walk in the mornings!
  • That's what I was thinking too! Totally random.
  • mmmmm I love the smell of popcorn!!
  • Apples!!!, celery with greek cream cheese or peanut butter or low fat dressing, veggie and fruit smoothies, pretzels and mustard, yogurt :) Thanks for sharing I have gotten some good ideas from you ladies!
  • I am only 7 weeks pregnant and I have told my work people already because just this month I have 3 dr appts. (2 ultrasounds and a follow up) Close family guessed it since I passed up on having a drink too many times. I won't announce it to everyone til probably around 10 or 11 weeks. With my last pregnancy we announced it…
  • Hello ladies! My name is Leanne and I'm pregnant with #2 and due may 25th! It's nice to meet you all and hopefully we can be a positive support system for each other :) how is everyone feeling today?
  • I gained about 30 lbs with my first, but am currently over weight. I am trying to gain very little this time. I have been doing some prenatal yoga in the morning and walking before work. I just feel hungry ALL the time. I need to get a bunch of healthy snacks to have handy so I am not bingeing on junk food!!!!!!!!
  • I had a dating ultra sound on October 2nd and have another one on October 18th :) congrats to you all!!!!!
  • do you gals want to start a group for May 2014 mommas? That way we can keep up with everyone's progress and it will be easy to share experiences and find eachother?
  • Hello everyone! My name is Leanne and I am pregnant with #2- EDD May 23, 2014! I am super excited, but want to be healthy this go around and possibly not gain more than like 10 pounds. I am already a little over weight, so I think this can be achieved :) excited for everyone!