

  • I make my own shakes because you never can tell exactly what some companies try to hide in their "healthy" products. Making my own smoothies, I control and KNOW exactly what's in my food and can avoid some of the less healthy stuff. You would be more likely to get fiber and/or grains from a protein bar (depending on the…
  • Chocolate + peanut butter (make it natural PB for good fats) pineapple juice + oj + protein = my favorite!! (you can throw in a banana if you want) I know you said nothing weird, but I put spinach in my smoothies. You CANNOT taste, but it does make it very green! Super healthy food for you. Try like 1/2 cup of it if it…
    in Smoothies Comment by Vibette July 2012
  • Hey Gals & Guys.... I just started the Lean Version.... a few days into Week 1. Feel free to add me if you want -- I'm not around the forums all that much!
  • I am currently working on my second round with P90X. In my first I did try to hard to keep up with Tony and his pro's, and if I missed a day, I got discouraged. But that's life-- I may miss a day now and then, but I pick up right where I left off. I wasn't listening to Tony before when he stressed just doing my best. This…
  • Most "guestimations" of the machines are based on a specific weight, so unless it has you input a weight (and other relevant info), they're probably not accurate. Someone who weighs 120 lbs is not going to burn as many calories to run a mile as someone who weighs 220. I've used this site before:…
  • Thanks everyone :) My dr actually mentioned this site (in Oct when I joined and never added anything!). So far I'm liking the way the food diary is set up. It's kind of a pain updating it every so often. I just had a healthy snack before sitting down to write a paper-- before I would've looked at the clock, realized I…
  • I've logged it on paper several times before, but inputting it on here and then seeing it recorded this way is different. I think the way this diary logs it will be much easier to make changes to my diet and make sure things are balanced. And ty for the welcome :)
  • Hello chickpea! I joined a few months ago but just started posting! Welcome from a fellow noob. :)
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