If you are neglecting starting p90x --- Why?



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Also, i had a friend who did p90x. She gave up 3 times, then did it all the way through. She was so bulky. It was gross. I want to look feminine and hot... not like some gross body builder.

    I feel the same way. That is not a look I find attractive or want for myself.

    Then do the lean program that has more cardio than strength training. Carido = less bulk, though bulk is tougher for women to put on in the first place.
  • kolbyjack
    kolbyjack Posts: 71
    I got through day 61 and quit. I regret it everyday...trying to start up again is REALLY hard, especially now that I already know how hard and time consuming it is. After I finish the 30 Day Shred, I will start and finish P90X.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Also, i had a friend who did p90x. She gave up 3 times, then did it all the way through. She was so bulky. It was gross. I want to look feminine and hot... not like some gross body builder.

    I feel the same way. That is not a look I find attractive or want for myself.

    Then do the lean program that has more cardio than strength training. Carido = less bulk, though bulk is tougher for women to put on in the first place.

    She did the lean. Also, I wouldnt do either anyway. I really dislike people who are like "You need to do this! Everyone has to do this!" It's great that it works for you. But not everyone wants to do this. And if you want to persuade them, telling what to do is not the way to do it. Way to be a dbag.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I don't want to be tied to a schedule and get thrown off if I miss a day or a week. Sometimes I don't know what workout I want to do until it's time to do it. Some days I row, some days I run, some days I do a kettlebell workout, etc. Some days I'm not at home at all so I exercise elsewhere. Some days I might not have more than 30 minutes to squeeze something in. Some days time is not an issue. I like the flexibility of making it up as I go and that's not a workout that particularly interests me. It just sounds like the latest fad workout.
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Well you got some good reply's! I started on Sunday and it is kicking my butt and I am loving it. As a girl I can't bulk up like the guys do but I can definatley get buff and I love working with free weights. I can't do nearly as many of any of the moves they do but I know as I get stronger I will be able to do more. :happy:

    I am a girl! I love being a girl! I love the curves that I will get with this program and well.... I am going to be buff baby! :bigsmile:

    I also served in our military and grew up in a military family! This program is what you make it and really not "Military"!
    If you haven't ever served, you wouldn't know that though. :frown:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I would love to do the program....Only problem, too expensive....wish it were less. I have to feed my family and running is free.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I don't want to be tied to a schedule and get thrown off if I miss a day or a week. Sometimes I don't know what workout I want to do until it's time to do it. Some days I row, some days I run, some days I do a kettlebell workout, etc. Some days I'm not at home at all so I exercise elsewhere. Some days I might not have more than 30 minutes to squeeze something in. Some days time is not an issue. I like the flexibility of making it up as I go and that's not a workout that particularly interests me. It just sounds like the latest fad workout.

    That's the reason why i like it. I know what i have to do that day otherwise it would be too easy for me to say that i feel tired and not do anything. I like structured workouts.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    To be honest I have not heard of it.

    I believe its a keep fit dvd? If thats the case I get so much more from gym, classes, hiking and running.
  • crystaln05
    P90X is a great workout for me. I started it and was very out of shape and instead of trying to keep up with it, I would just make sure I was doing the exercise correctly and take breaks when I needed to. Now I can keep up and I don't need a break so it is possible to work up to it when you start right out of a sedentary lifestyle.
    I'm 5'1", 123 lbs, and got 1.7% body fat to lose. This program has helped me lose 15 lbs of body fat but I am not bulky. I have kept my curves and I don't have a 6 pack (don't want one). I'm lean, my arms have slight definition, and my tummy is a lot flatter. I def would recommend this program to anyone but if it's not for you then it's not.
    Just wanted to give my props! :)
  • Vibette
    Vibette Posts: 9
    I am currently working on my second round with P90X. In my first I did try to hard to keep up with Tony and his pro's, and if I missed a day, I got discouraged. But that's life-- I may miss a day now and then, but I pick up right where I left off. I wasn't listening to Tony before when he stressed just doing my best. This time around, I am, and so far it's made a world of difference! I'm doing the lean version to slim down. So far, so good!

    Just got a HRM too, so I can keep an eye/ear on my heart rate. Rather than dreading the workouts I don't like, I just look forward to the ones I do like and keep in mind what I'm working toward. I don't need to be Tony Horton as long as I am making progress for myself!