

  • Really, there's so magic food you can eat or type of food that will give you abs. It's all about body fat percentage; meaning you must have a very low body fat percentage to achieve the look of a 6 pack of abs. If you want a flat stomach, keep your workout routine going and just don't eat things that you know will make you…
  • Right! I should probably include that information haha. Well I'm 5'7" 158 lbs and I want to lose about 20ish pounds but don't want to build too much muscle while also not being "skinny fat." My upper body is pretty small and I hold most unwanted fat in my thighs and butt. I know I can't spot reduce but one of my main goals…
  • I'm 5'7.5 and currently 158 lbs...Call me crazy but I would love to eventually get down to 128 but would be totally satisfied with being 135. You all have higher goals than me and that makes me wonder if I'm aiming too low?
  • One of the healthiest, most filling soups is Lentil and there are tons of recipes online! You can make a ton and freeze it or have it for leftovers and it won't cost you a lot at all. Eggs are another option that are easily combined with different foods that you probably already have at home