Ladies with 20 lb or less to lose

I'm just wondering what y'all suggest as far as strength training. I usually do 30-40 minutes on the treadmill doing intervals and another 20-30 minutes doing weights and other strength exercises. Do those of you who have achieved your goals or are working on losing/toning up usually do high reps low weight or the opposite? I hate to be one of those girls who is scared to get bulky (I've read all about how it can't happen, etc.) but I kind of still am! Also if you have any diet tips or healthy lifestyle advice in general I'm always looking to learn more! Thanks!


  • samidac11
    what are you trying to achieve? maybe i can help with some advice.
  • kenziebeeee
    Right! I should probably include that information haha. Well I'm 5'7" 158 lbs and I want to lose about 20ish pounds but don't want to build too much muscle while also not being "skinny fat." My upper body is pretty small and I hold most unwanted fat in my thighs and butt. I know I can't spot reduce but one of my main goals is to tone my lower body without making my legs bulky or too athletic looking
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You won't 'build muscle' by accident! You want a bit of cardio 2-3 x a week and some heavy lifting 3x a week