hp1988 Member


  • I did the exact same haha! What an absolutely incredible transformation - you look beautiful!
  • Those crop tops are gorgeous and you look amazing in them!
  • Mine is open to friends if you would like to add me I don't mind :) I'm vegan so probably a bit different to others.
  • Thanks everyone - it's good to know everyone does the same thing. Putting a note in the notes section that it was a guesstimate to look back on is a good idea too. I was concerned I was kind of 'cheating' doing it, which I am in a way, but I'm glad everyone does it! There's no easy way around it if there is no calorie info…
  • That's a fantastic idea! I'm often a little tiddly at the time (or too busy chatting with friends to pay too much attention) so I love that idea. They'll probably all just think I'm instagramming it, haha
  • Oooh check out this article!! http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2012/aug/21/top-10-activity-holidays-sports-europe Really awesome ideas, some of the highlights are: Surf and Yoga in Portugal 'Multi-Activity' in Sardinia - sounds right up your street Kitesurfing in Spain Canoeing in Sweden (too cold for you though probably…
  • I'm in!! How do I join the group?
  • I'd love some ideas too, imagine coming back from holiday lighter/the same weight as you left and still having an amazing time..!!! But I don't have any ideas, sorry! xxx
  • Abductor is on there, but I can't find adductor either - I was looking the other day too!
  • Thanks everyone for your suggestions :) Spoiled puppies sounds like your calves have shrunk a lot - I'm also interested to hear how you'll be strengthening your hamstrings! StaciMarie, I will try this on the walk home today and see how I go, excited to try it out. And everyone else, thank you very much, glad to know I'm…
  • Well really I'm just hoping to get a flatter stomach and firm it up a bit (but like you said, this will be mainly through lowering BF) so I'll carry on doing these little workouts just to supplement....I'll just make sure I'm not expecting a six pack, haha!
  • Sure! It's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbbcu2LvqcI It's 6 minutes, then additional 3ish minute of plank if you want to carry on. I'll try yours out too, they look good!
  • Thank you, will do!
  • Thanks Steve. The plan is to lower my BF anyway so this is just to supplement it/give me a bit of manageable activity in the morning (to hopefully increase in future). That's really useful info - I'll keep at it for now, to get in the habit of doing something before work, if nothing else, but aim to go for more core…
  • It's basically a lot of leg raises, crunches, plank, side leg raises, some squats (mainly variations of crunches and leg raises). So are there ANY benefits in your opinion? Except for a very small amount of improvement for the core?
  • Well done!! That's great. I worry if I do too much walking/running they'll just get bigger and bigger from muscle - but if it's working for you I'll have to just stick at it and hope they shrink!!
  • Thanks everyone! I'm doing it alongside other stuff, it's just a little extra thing to do, to hopefully help tone. I'll keep at it and see if I feel any different after a month..hopefully! As 6 mins a day extra is nothing really, especially in the morning when I'm half asleep anyway :)
  • I have Exante double choc bars, they're like half-baked brownies! (I think so anyway, some people hate them). I think they're on 2 for 1 at the moment. So filling too, so I never have more than one! They're 209 calories each and have lots of protein in :)
  • I tend to use SW principles, e.g. if I'm making a meal, I try and make it 'syn free' by using spray oil, fat and sugar free fromage frais/quark, lots of veg and meat, etc, or if I'm having a yoghurt I'll go for a muller light or something. I love syn free recipes as they are really tasty and pretty good for you. But I…