

  • We joined the YMCA. Does every state have that? Anyways, they have a childwatch center there and they watch your kids for free (included in membership) but its such a great part of my day. My kids get to have fun playing and meeting other kids while I get in a great work out. This is actually my way of relaxing from my…
  • Along time ago I tried the carb diet and did lose a lot of weight but I had NO energy! Somedays I would seriously hold onto the rail and pull myself up the stairs. Plus once you stop being on a "low carb" diet you gain the weight back a lot faster. Watching your carb intake is really good but you do need those good carbs…
  • mmmmm some of these sound great and I will be trying them! Thanks for sharing!!
  • Weighing in weekly is how I usely start out bc when you first start a diet you do lose weight pretty easily. Then it seems like you hit your weight loss limit bc you aren't losing as much so it gets you unmotivated. So once the scale shows a stand still I do my weigh ins once month. It works for me and maybe for you too?…
  • "Lifestyle change" I like that. Saying your on a diet all the time really does put a downer on it!! Lol and running 5 miles doesn't allow you to eat whatever you want. I used that excuse before after working out saying "hey I burned 500 calories now I can have that hamburger from McDonalds" husband was quick to…
  • Tuna or eggs. You can also purchase unflavored 100% whey protein powder that you can mix in with liquids or food. It low in fat, carbs and sugars but very high in protein. Not sure if this helps out or not! Good luck!!