

  • There is definitely an adaptive phase. I still struggle with wanting a ton of junk food from time to time. Think about how much work it takes to burn off whatever you are wanting to eat and it helps your decision. lol
  • The only way to lose "wiggle" is to add muscle. Contrary to popular belief you can't lose weight in one area. It will come from weight loss as a whole. Just perform leg exercises like squats, leg press, stair climbers etc and they will tighten up and get thinner as you lose weight.
  • First off if you are getting those burned calorie numbers from the machines at the gym, they are usually over-compensated. You need to factor your activity level into your TDEE which would include workouts and daily activities to find out how many calories you actually need. Are the 1,200 calories a day set up to lose…
  • Focus on the long term goal. It should be looked at as a lifestyle change and not a short fix. Look at how far you have come and focus on the results, not the struggle. Good luck!
  • If you are weight training and running than you are going to be adding muscle. Muscle always weighs more than fat hence the scale not moving. If your arms etc are looking better than you are already achieving the results everyone strives for. Losing fat while increasing muscle mass. I would keep doing what you are doing…