8 Wks and hitting the wall! (UK, Mids)


Can anyone give some motivation whos been going for a long time? Its starting to become a chore!


  • Focus on the long term goal. It should be looked at as a lifestyle change and not a short fix. Look at how far you have come and focus on the results, not the struggle. Good luck!
  • cartoonhead
    cartoonhead Posts: 8 Member
    Cheers traveljunkie. Yeah, i know what you mean. My diet was pretty poor b4. I think novelty and fun have got me to where i am. Now my body has realised that its not getting quite as much as its used to. I suppose its about training the body and mind in to a healthy way of life........
  • There is definitely an adaptive phase. I still struggle with wanting a ton of junk food from time to time. Think about how much work it takes to burn off whatever you are wanting to eat and it helps your decision. lol
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Keep at it. You will get to a point where instead of craving junk food you crave healthy foods. I never thought i would see the day where i would pick a greek salad over a chinese takeaway.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    Let me know when you get to 4 months... I was 210 Nov 2... am 208 this morning.

    I still would like to drop another 20-25 but am focusing on fun and activity. I figure the last bunch will go when it is good and ready. My weight loss has allowed me to do so much more than before.

    Don't make weight your goal - make health! And have fun! Yes, work to lose and get/stay healthy can be hard at times but it rewarding just to be able to do some of the stuff!

    Chin up and keep going!
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Congratulations to you. your more then 1/2 way to your goal with 10kgs out the door. Try and think back and recall why you started your weight loss endeavour? Those are all the same reasons you want to stick with it, you are a success, your clothes, tell you and I'm sure the people around you are all on your side. 3 reasons to continue ok 4, your wife and kids, but do it for you, because you are the most important in the big picture!!

  • It really is just about prioritisng the goals you have - I have prioritised junk living for a few years now - its time to stop. Advancing age, potential Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure - all the usual stuff - but Im 56 next week.
    This sort of stuff is inevitable if ou dont take charge of where you are headed.

    Sometimes it seems like a chore - I have just decided to re-categorise this into a 'competition' - with myself.

    if I am not losing weight it is because I am either eating too much - or not exercising enough (or both) so I just keep adding to the exercise and taking away from the food.

    Now instead of a coffee break I take some time out and go for a 10 or 15 minute walk - I do this a couple of times during the day - it helps me to get some muscles working.

    Just have to avoid the junk food as a matter of will power. I only drink diet drinks or water.

    get a pedometer - its a great tool for pointing out just how little we can get used to in the way of exercise. I realised I had a problem when I didnt move enough during a day to wind up my automatic watch :-(

    Fitbit is the one I use - it just gives that little extra motivational kick that you might need.

    Just keep after it - it is not impossible - just occasionally difficult.
