

  • Update: apparently, according to the Jawbone forum itself, people from 11/2014 have still not received replacements under their warranty. Since my bracelet is defective (no tampering or misuse) I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau that the company needs to remedy the situation. I suggested they work with…
  • Thank you for the info! I think it may have been a glitch for the one day, maybe an update, because it hasn't happened since. I did notice, however, that that was the one day I exercised before I remembered to log any of my food. I'm wondering if that may have played a part.
  • You are so fortunate to have a school that is focussed on his needs. We are holding out on moving until she is ready for school so that we can pick the right school district based on whether or not she is ready to be mainstreamed full time. I hate all this waiting and suspense but then we see amazing things happen. Today…
  • Hi Julie! Thank you for the add, I am sorry I took so long to respond. I love having a buddy...it's been pretty lonely on my feed <3. I'm glad to hear you are on the way to taking better care of yourself too. We spend so much time invested into our little ones that it is so easy to lose everything else, isn't it? It sounds…
  • Thank you for the thread! I will definitely give it a thorough read. Thank goodness my kiddo still naps! I HATE exercising but I've been enjoying the long walks to clear my head. I just feel it is so impossible to get in 10K steps per day without eating up tons of my time, so you are right about focusing on long-term vs…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the food score. Especially since it takes a while to sync from MFP sometimes. I'd rather a pop up of "try and eat more fiber" or "you need some protein" or even "watch out for saturated fat". Anything other than what they are doing now.
  • Thanks for clarifying, I thought you meant disable not enable, LOL. My brain is still adjusting to lower cal levels. What I mean by minute goals: In MFP >My home >Goals >fitness goals I set my goal for 3 workouts of 45 minutes each per week BUT.. With just using Up (and maybe it is just funky because today is the first…
  • Thanks for pointing out the first day being a mess...I was starting to feel sorely disappointed!
  • Ok this makes sense now. I went back and disabled negative adjustments. As for MFP Goals- The UP input is effecting that count. For example- I walked 2 miles a bit ago with my dog, 35 minutes. In MFP it shows I did 1 minute of my 45 minute goal and 14 calories of my 310 goal. Should I just ignore these goals now that…
  • That is VERY helpful. Thank you! I think I just need to wrap my head around the numbers. I liked it better when I used "MaymyWalk" and did a 3 mile loop and it said I burned 400 calories. I put in the time and calories into MFP and could see clearly what was happening. Right now in MFP at the bottom of my diary I thought…
  • I just bought the bracelet this morning but some things aren't adding up. Not only is my food not showing in UP but I also have UP creating a positive calorie add to MFP. I've taken 5300+ steps and it has only added 14 calories to my "exercise" portion of MFP. Is this a mistake or is there just something in the way it…