

  • I restarted week 1 today with my husband and I improved all my fitness test results. After just 1 week! I'm feeling really motivated now
  • I also weighed myself today and lost a pound but have gained a few centimeters on my bust! I don't want a big back! Don't give up yet! I reckon your muscles are holding onto water, stick with it because the gain can't be fat.
  • Thanks mrzragz. I think i'm expecting too much of my body and it's having a tantrum! I'm sure I will find it better when my husband starts too as I won't want him to beat me ha ha. I went for a quick bike ride to make up the last 20 mins.
  • Just tried day 6 and I had to give up. I just don't seem to have any energy and I thought it was better to quit after 20min than try a half arsed attempt. I'm restarting week 1 on saturday with my husband so I'll take this week as a practise. So disappointed with myself.
  • Pure cardio and cardio abs today................oh my god! I thought I was going to puke and what is with hardly any water breaks. I did the best i could but took lots of breaks and nearly cried! Still I got through it. I can't do the both legs together lift thing in the cardio abs.
  • Johnnyblue, I was really sore too. I could hardly walk my calves were so tight! I found the only thing that helped was to do the workout as my muscles would warm up. I also bought a protein shake and had it yesterday after the recovery workout. I'm not sore at all today! Not sure if it was the recovery or shake that did it.
  • I completed cardio recovery today, it was a pleasant surprise as i wasn't sure if I was up to all the jumping around today. My legs were burning and I was still sweaty though.
  • I've just done day 3 and found it easier than yesterday, although I wanted to stop 11 minutes before the end. I took it at my own pace and didn't try to keep up. I had to take more breaks but pleased I got through it and I actually did the push ups, including the moving ones. I'm sweating buckets now though so better go…
  • I'm in! Start date: 7/7/12 End date: 8/7/12 my husband is meant to be doing this with me but he hurt his back during the fit test. I'm carrying on with the 1st week and then repeating it with him next week. Following nutrition guide: no but eating healthy Starting weight: 163.5 Goal weight: I'd be happy with 10 lbs off,…
  • Thanks everyone, I think i have sent friend requests to everyone but might not have done, I'm still getting used to this site. Thanks for replying and on weigh in this morning I was down 2 lbs :-) I know it will slow to a lb a week now and that is fine by me. I tell myself that I would be gutted to see a pound go on, so I…
  • I can relate to what you say about being a picky eater, but you can overcome it. For instance i used to hate peppers (still can't stand them raw) but i started adding a bit to soups and after a while I got to like the taste. So I tried them roasted with cous cous and feta cheese and now it is one of my favourites. To start…
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