Official Women's Insanity Group. "Time to Change"



  • loveachallenge
    loveachallenge Posts: 62 Member
    I'm starting it today with a work group however I think they are somewhere in month 2??? I figure it won't hurt to just jump right in. They do it 6 days a week in the evenings and from what I heard, they kind of skip around to a different dvd/workout depending on who gets to the workout room first... I know nothing about Insanity except that it's hard, there's a lot of jumping, no hand weights, and the before/after pictures are awesome. Does anyone think it would be a problem to just start it in the middle or do i have to do it from start to finish and in order?

    Apparently we have the workouts on our harddrive and I could start myself, but I've been doing RI30 and NMTZ by Jillian Michaels by myself and I tend to slack when no one is relying on me to be somewhere...

    If your a starter, definitely start at the beginning. Month 2 is so much more intense then month 1. The program is designed to get harder as you go.
  • Lyndsey96
    Lyndsey96 Posts: 1
    Im on my last week of insanity Im proud of myself for just that!! Its a very hard program to say the least....Im just frustrated I havent lost one pound from it. Im 5"2 around 140 and I am looking to get down to 125.. I eat 1500-1700 calories a day and do my intended workout for that day....I just dont know what I did wrong....ANY SUGGESTIONS???? But atleast I will be able to say I finished it!
  • loveachallenge
    loveachallenge Posts: 62 Member
    I can say I am very impressed with you ladies! Determination is the key to your success! I am a 39 yr old soldier male deployed to Afghanistan and im on week 7 of the Insanity prograrm. I do not follow the nutrition guide but I do make the right decisions in what I consume for the most part. My starting weight and measurments for myself goes as follows: 221 lbs, 37.5" waist, and 23% body fat. As of right now I am 204lbs, 35" waist, and 15% body fat. I came to Afghanistan 231lbs, 41" waist, and 26% body fat. I am on a mission to be in the best shape of my life. I lift weights, run and do Insanity on a regular. I havnt seen my wife since March, I sent her a pix of me and she did not recongnize me. When I told her that it was me in the pix she could not believe how much weight I have lost. I wont be home for another 5 months, and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life for her and myself. I want to be her eye candy! LOL Remember DETERMINATION & DEDICATION is the key to each owns success. Good luck ladies and congradulations!!

    Salute Troop! May god continue to gave you strength and look over you while you are away from your family. It will be well worth it when you see your wife, thanks for the post and great job to you as well. Keep safe.
  • loveachallenge
    loveachallenge Posts: 62 Member
    I definitely understand your frustration. I just started week 5, and although I have lost inches in my thighs and waist I haven't lost a single pound :( I will admit that the first month, I cut back on some unhealthy foods, but I wasnt counting calories/tracking my intake. I hope now that I joined MFP, I will see better results. Some days it gets very frustrating, but keep it up (or at least any workout that your interested in) because your more likely to see results if you stay physically active. You can do it!

    I agree. Now that Im in my 3rd week of month 2 I lost the 4 pounds I gained from month 1. Instead of loosing weight, I gained 4 pounds. I think its muscle. I'm allot more toned and lost inches. I see the difference in my pictures. I didnt start to really count calories, carbs and all that good stuff until I started here 3 weeks ago. So I think now I will start to loose. I'm planning on doing another round immediately after I finish this one.
  • Jhensley2011
    Jhensley2011 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't mean to sound like a weenie here but I'm so sore I have to take today off (It's day 3, yeah yeah I know!) Anyone have any good muscle recovery tips so I can jump back into this ASAP!!!! I've heard drinking lots of fluids and doing "light" exercise will help. Any other secrets? I'm determined to do this! My mind is committed but my body is pissed! lol Sorry for the language. Any suggestions are welcome!
  • rolo1978
    rolo1978 Posts: 12
    Johnnyblue, I was really sore too. I could hardly walk my calves were so tight! I found the only thing that helped was to do the workout as my muscles would warm up. I also bought a protein shake and had it yesterday after the recovery workout. I'm not sore at all today! Not sure if it was the recovery or shake that did it.
  • Jhensley2011
    Jhensley2011 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok. I'll just take your advice to suck it up and do the best I can. :-) Like I said, i'm determined. NO PAIN NO GAIN (or lose in my case). :-)

  • shezza3
    shezza3 Posts: 4
    JohnnyBlue / rolo 1978 I have taken some ibupfrofen tablets to help with the pain! It seems to have helped! i'm hoping the stronger the muscles get the less it will hurt!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Second Cardio Recovery day today, didn't know how to log it, so I put it as yoga. I'm starting to see some good results from these workouts!
    Also, trying to keep the upper body toning I got in from doing JM's 30DS and No More Trouble Zones videos, so added handweights in and am doing things like bicep curls, tricep kick backs, etc during some of these videos during the rest breaks, and adding in renegade rows during the plank circuits on the recovery video. It's working really well!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I really want to do the insanity workout but it is just so expensive :(

    u can always buy used off of ebay or amazon
  • brazelmama
    brazelmama Posts: 25
    The best way to know how many calories you burned is to use a HRM. I have the Polar F4 it comes with a chest strap and it will automatically tell you your HR and calories burned in the workout. This is based on the info you entered when you first set up the watch. The monitors with chest straps are the most accurate and worry free to use. I paid $65 for mine online with free shipping. Just google HRM and find then one you like! Dig deep. Good luck
    I just started Insanity today and realized I have no way of keeping track of how many calories I am burning. It seems most of you use HRM's which I hadn't really thought about today. Would someone mind telling me how they work? Do they tell you how many calories you are burning or is there a calculation involved? What is a reasonable price to pay for one?

    Thank you!!!
  • brazelmama
    brazelmama Posts: 25
    Yes I got mine off of ebay!! it was brand new.
    I really want to do the insanity workout but it is just so expensive :(

    u can always buy used off of ebay or amazon
  • brazelmama
    brazelmama Posts: 25
    Man I feel your pain. I too am in the same boat as far as the scales go. In fact I haven't lost weight I gained a pound WTH!!!! The same here are far as feeling firmer and has better tone. I have lost a total of 1.5 inches on waist alone. I do also have a body fat analyzer and I have gone down 1% of body fat but the scale is climbing. I called a nutritionist/ trainer friend and she said it could possibly be that I'm not eating enough. I currently eat around 1600 calories a day. She recommend I eat more and really focus of eating clean/lean food. She also mentioned that I should be eating 1/2 gram per pound of protein. MFP only has me eating 63g of protein and I need like 76g according to my friend. I worry that it will be too many calories but what do I have to loose....fat LOL. I will try it in month two and see how it goes. Good luck, dig deep, and as long as your healthy it will be OK.
    Nearly finished week three and starting to find it hard going. My initial enthusiasm has waned a little, combined with the scales REFUSING TO BUDGE.
    I know the right things are happening, I'm feeling so much firmer, my stomach has toned up somewhat, I'm down a whole cup size (WTH?) and my second fit test results were a good improvement, but it would be really satisfying to see a drop in weight.
    Is anyone else finding this?

    Diet wise I'm averaging around 1400- 1500 a day with good protein and lower carbs.
    Should I just be more patient?
    If you've done it before, when did you start to see results?
  • rolo1978
    rolo1978 Posts: 12
    Pure cardio and cardio abs today................oh my god! I thought I was going to puke and what is with hardly any water breaks. I did the best i could but took lots of breaks and nearly cried! Still I got through it. I can't do the both legs together lift thing in the cardio abs.
  • ajacobs26
    ajacobs26 Posts: 4
    This is awesome! I just started Insanity last week! I am looking forward to inspiration during this crazy work out!
    I started on 7/3/2012
    Starting weight 186.00
    Goal weight after insanity: 161.00
    I do not know if my goal weight is unrealistic but I am shooting for it! I am not following the diet plan just sticking to my calories on myfitness pal.
  • ajacobs26
    ajacobs26 Posts: 4
    I logged it last week as low aerobics I think, yoga would have been a good option too!
  • toni430
    toni430 Posts: 21
    same here today..ugh, the cardio abs is unlike any other ab vid ive done...
    Pure cardio and cardio abs today................oh my god! I thought I was going to puke and what is with hardly any water breaks. I did the best i could but took lots of breaks and nearly cried! Still I got through it. I can't do the both legs together lift thing in the cardio abs.
  • rhalse
    rhalse Posts: 32 Member
    One thing I was wondering about. Do/Have any of you ever did with Insanity is take your time on a dvd. Like workout to it multiple days than just 1?

    No, I followed the calendar and did the order of the workouts. The creators knew what they were doing. I've never been able to workout that hard without getting so sore I can barely move for 4 days straight. With Insanity I definitely feel my muscles and REALLY feel the burn on the Recovery workout, but not overly sore.
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
    Start Date: July 2012
    Projected End: September 2012
    Following Nutrition Guide: No, but eating as healthy as I know...
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 168
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): No really see, we will see how much I can lose when I get there..
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Which Insanity program are you all buying?
    I'm researching online and I see different options please help.

    If there are different levels of course I would like to start with the easiest one..
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